Chapter 141 Lu Yijie

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Dengzhou County is built on the mountain. It is a square shape, slightly longer in the north and south, and slightly narrower in the east and west. It leans on a hill to the east and the terrain is open to the west. The central main street runs from north to south, running side by side with the main street. There is an auxiliary street in the east and west. , called East Street and West Street.

The lot that Cui County Magistrate allocated to Lu Xu was West Street, which was parallel to the main street.

This was originally a relatively prosperous area in Dengzhou, but it was severely damaged by war a few years ago, and the northern section of West Street was in ruins.

The original people fled for many years and have not returned, and 80% of them have died.

When Cui Xianwei took office, it became an ownerless land, and it was returned to the county government according to the procedures. He also wanted to build it, but Dengzhou could not make ends meet, and the county government had to borrow money to operate it. He was really a clever woman who could not make a living without rice.

Throwing and throwing away, seeing that these shabby houses are almost collapsed, and the good things have been picked up by the people in the city. Even the broken windows have been picked up and burned at home. If they are thrown away again, they will only hide dirt. Rat, Magistrate Cui simply gave it to Lu Xu.

Don’t you want to build an inn?

Build whatever you want, the whole land is available to you!

It would be great if the money earned from them in Dengzhou could be spent in Dengzhou.

Lu Xu didn't know that Magistrate Cui wanted him to spit out the money he had just received, so he reservedly chose a house next to the intersection.

Magistrate Cui asked: "Is this enough?"

When Lu Xu heard this, he thought, I still want it? He continued to be reserved: "If possible, here next to..."

Magistrate Cui was extremely generous: "Take it, take it. Land in Dengzhou is cheap and every household likes to build big houses. If you take too little, you will be laughed at."

Lu Xu: "..."

He didn't understand what County Magistrate Cui meant for a while, so he tentatively asked, "Why am I embarrassed to occupy such a big place..."

"What's the point of being sorry? If someone wanted this land, they wouldn't have left it here unused for so many years." Magistrate Cui felt extremely regretful, and then changed the subject, "But there is an unwritten rule in Dengzhou City."

Lu Xu was excited and thought, and he knew that no good thing was picked up in vain.

Magistrate Cui: "The people in the city need to donate some money every year according to the area they occupy to maintain and repair the city wall."

Lu Xu subconsciously looked to the west. The west city wall closest to West Street was a piece of ruins. The wall stacks were of different heights, and there were several long and large cracks running up and down.

Lu Xu: "..."

This doesn't look like the result of annual maintenance.

However, he was planning to build an inn here, and he had to ensure the safety of his life and property.

He took a deep breath and asked, "I wonder how much I have to pay every year?"

If it's too much, he'll need less land.

Magistrate Cui: "Oh, not too much, not too much. Brother Lu only needs to pay a total of ten taels for these two pieces of land."


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