Chapter 152 Separation

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Crossing Wuling Peak is not easy either coming or going back. Before crossing the mountain, Lu Xu and the others stopped at the first and last tea shed on the return trip to rest.

At this time, the tea shed has changed greatly. In addition to the wooden house they built when they left, there are several thatched sheds built next to it. Outside the thatched sheds, there are many small stalls selling mountain products.

Under the shade of the trees, several children were playing hopscotch.

If he hadn't seen Lu Xuliu's "tea" sign with his own eyes, Lu Xu would have thought he had remembered the wrong place.

While they were still observing, a female voice in the store shouted loudly: "Oh my God! Tian Dachui, come out quickly! The boss is back!"

Lu Xu tilted his head when he heard the sound and saw a small-eyed woman at the door, kneading dough and looking out behind the stove. Isn't she the first employee he hired in Shuozhou?

After a while, Scarface ran out from behind with an ax in his hand. He still had a ferocious expression, but when he smiled he looked even more scary: "Come in and sit down, everyone, come in and sit down."

Lu Xu and the others got off the car and entered the store. As they walked, they were curious: "What are you doing carrying an ax in broad daylight?"

The Ax Gang?

Scarface complained: "I was chopping firewood in the back. My mother-in-law said I looked scary and scared away the guests, so she wouldn't let me stay in the front."

Lu Xu couldn't hold it back, but burst into laughter.

His wife and another sister-in-law also came out from behind the stove, and came to welcome them in. They said to Lu Xu: "That's right, I finally called him in. He wanted to eat, but he saw him drinking water. Just leave!”

The others burst into laughter, even Scarface himself laughed.

After entering the door, Lu Xu found that the store had also changed a lot. The wooden floor they had rolled together from random trees had been cut into flat boards, the tables were polished to be square and strong, and the burrs had been polished off. There were also wooden floors on the roof. The eaves were rebuilt, and various seasonings, dried moxa, and some hand towels and rags were hung on the wall. A large water tank was placed outside for passers-by to wash.

Hot soup was bubbling in the big pot at the door. The not-so-scary-looking bandit brothers were squatting in the corner washing dishes, and there was also a table cleaner.

It happened that a table of guests had finished their meal, and the man who was cleaning went over to collect the money, and then handed the money to the scar-faced wife.

It's pretty obvious who is respected in the store.

The scar-faced wife invited Lu Xu to sit down, as enthusiastically as if she were entertaining relatives, and even called the two children who were playing outside to kowtow to Lu Xu. Lu Xu was so frightened that Lu Xu almost ran away from the door.

"It should be, it should be. If it weren't for you, how could he have such a decent business? As he was before, let alone going home every day, we wouldn't know where to collect his body if he died outside. , our family owes you a great debt of gratitude!"

Lu Xu: "There is no reason for children to kowtow when it comes to mutual benefit."

He quickly took out a handful of copper coins to give the child pocket money, "Get up quickly and go outside to buy some fruit."

The two children held the money and looked at Lu Xu for a while, then turned around and handed it to their mother.

The scar-faced wife smiled, "This is not money earned, it is pocket money that uncle gave you. Go and thank uncle."

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