Chapter 47 Grocery Store

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The Qiu brothers are really efficient. After purchasing the goods, they just want to sell them. On the same day, I first sent the goods for opening the shop to Lu Xu's home.

Two boats were unloading goods by the river, and four people were helping to move to Lu Xu's house, which alarmed the whole village.

"Xuwa, what did you buy? It's so old?"

Lu Xu: "You, salt, soy sauce and vinegar, sugar, wine, groceries, needlework and coarse cloth, everything is available. I am going to open a shop. When it is packed, everyone will come and have a look. It is cheaper than in the town."

“Cheaper than in town?!”


The villagers were shocked, "Why are you cheaper than other people in town?"

Tan Shitou said: "Our own boats don't pay the boat gangs to cross the river. If we buy more, it will be cheaper to buy, so we will naturally sell it cheaper."

The sun sets late in the summer, and it's not dark yet. Many people are helping, including those who carry the goods and those who push the carts.

Lu Xu quickly stopped everyone: "If you don't want to go to my house, please help me unload it to my fourth uncle's house."

Everyone was startled.

Lu Xuan, who was helping to unload the goods, was also stunned, "My house?"

Lu Xu: "Yes, I told you to go home and open the door tonight."

Lu Xuan said "Oh", but before he could leave, Lu Wen had already ran to his house: "I'll go talk!"

Grandpa Lu came out of the house when he heard the noise, and saw Lu Wen running into the house like a gust of wind, leading a group of people into the house with large and small bags, "What are you doing? What are these?"

Lu Wen: "My eldest brother sent them all. I see that my eldest brother is going to open a shop for you!"

As soon as he said this, the villagers who delivered the goods also came to their senses.

Lu Xu came in one step later, heard Lu Wen speak, and slapped him on the head, "You are clever."

Lu Wen chuckled.

He could see that his brother bought several kinds of candies. If his grandfather opened a grocery store, would he still be short of candies?

The fourth uncle and the fourth aunt were not at home, so Lu Wen helped Han Lu by serving tea and water as if it was his own home.

When the third aunt heard about it, she came running and her mouth twitched.

Lu Xu sent Tan Shitou and the others back first.

When Lu Xu came back, his family members were all here, and there were even more curious villagers.

Li Zheng also came, "Xu Wa, is it really cheaper in your shop than in the town?"

Lu Xu: "How can it be fake? It's just a matter of raising your legs. How can I deceive people? You can buy it wherever it's most cost-effective. You can compare the prices yourself."

He took a bowl of water and drank it. His throat was about to smoke. He asked Lu Wen to untie the sack and open the jar to show everyone what he had. "Tell me what you need. I go to the county every day and I can give you whatever I can bring." Bring it back."

The people in the village had long been curious about what he bought, and now they all looked here with curiosity.

Lu Wen opened the sugar jar first. In addition to the common brown sugar and white sugar, there were also sugar cubes.

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