Chapter 53 Farewell

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Tan Shitou and his third uncle were worried when they saw Lu Xu entering the yamen. They kept wandering outside the yamen. After waiting for a long time, they finally felt relieved when they saw Lu Xu come out.

Lu Xu was in a hurry to find a doctor. When he arrived at the hospital, he slapped his head. Why did he forget to leave some money to buy some medicine for Lu Hui? "Stone, do you have any money?"

Tan Shitou shook his head.

Lu Xu thought for a while and helped his third uncle to the medical clinic. The clinic had already closed. He hurriedly knocked on the door. The young apprentice came out to open the door. Seeing that his third uncle's leg was bleeding, he hurriedly let them go in first and ran to the back hall to call the doctor. .

The doctor lit a lamp and came out, asking his apprentice to boil water and clean the wound for the third uncle. "The injury is so serious, why don't you know how to wrap it up? It's raining so hard, if it suppurates, do you still want this leg?"

Lu Xu: "Can you still walk?"

Doctor: "It's best not to leave, and wait until the wound heals before moving. If it becomes fester, the leg will be useless!"

The third uncle pursed his lips and said nothing, and his eyes couldn't help but get wet.

Lu Xu asked: "Do you have any extra gold sore medicine here? My brother is going to join the army, and I want to bring him some."

Doctor: "I don't have many here. You can go to the East Street Pharmacy and ask."

Lu Xu: "Okay!"

After settling his third uncle, Lu Xu led Tan Shitou to the drug store and knocked on the door, "Shopkeeper, have you gone to bed? I want to buy medicine!"

There was no movement in the pharmacy, but Lu Xu kept knocking.

Tan Shitou was frightened. Forget about the medical clinic, Guanyang Yamen was still reasonable and would worry about them to treat injuries and save people. How could he do this elsewhere? "Brother Xu, it's a curfew. If you make noise at night, you will be arrested and put in jail!"

Lu Xu kept banging on the door: "Luo Shen and Luo Tou said there is no curfew tonight. Shopkeeper, if you don't open the door, I will climb over the wall!"

The shopkeeper then responded, "Here it comes, here it comes. Xiao Lu, what do you want to buy in the middle of the night?"

Lu Xu: "I want medicine for wounds, medicine for typhoid fever, medicine that can cure fever, bleeding, and acclimatization! I also want medicine that can cure bugs and snake venom!"

The shopkeeper knew as soon as he heard that someone in his family was going to join the army, "Okay, I'll get it for you. How much do you want?"

Lu Xu: "As many as you want!"

Shopkeeper: "..."

Lu Xu slapped the dumbfounded Tan Shitou, "Why are you stunned? Go back and call your elder brother to get the medicine!"

Tan Shitou: "Oh oh oh!"

Lu Xu asked eagerly: "Shopkeeper, can those medicines be made into pills that are convenient to take with you?"

Shopkeeper: "This..."

Lu Xu: "There are many of us. When we come later, we can all help grind and prepare the medicine."

The shopkeeper gritted his teeth: "Okay."

Lu Xu thanked the shopkeeper and hurried to knock on the doors of the cloth shop and grocery store.

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