Chapter 125 Fighting incident

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Repairing three or two bundles a year is not expensive, nor is it cheap.

Therefore, those who can go to a government school to study at an elementary school are from moderately well-off families, and their families are willing to spend money to send them to study. At least they are pampered children at home.

When this group of children get together, they will inevitably love to climb high and compete with the low. Those who are enterprising will compare their grades, and those who cannot compare with their grades will compete with those who have advantages.

Family background, origin, how much pocket money does someone have, what novel toys do they have, who has relatives in the state capital, whose family has produced high-ranking officials, etc.

They even compare who is taller and older.

However, those who can really stand out in such a small circle basically compete with their grades and financial resources.

Miao Hongyin, the little fat boy, is one of the top ones. When he first came, his teacher praised him ten times for his good grades, and he was praised at least five or six times.

Secondly, his family is rich.

Regardless of the pen, ink, paper and inkstone, the little fat boy uses the best in the elementary school class. However, he still has a peacock personality. He loves to show off and listen to other people's praises. He invites a group of people to his home every now and then and buys new ones whenever he is happy. The stationery was given away.

Naturally, some people looked down upon this behavior, especially when there was another person who was from a similar family background to him, but his grades were significantly lower than his, and his pocket money was just a little bit worse than his. Especially if he didn't Pleasant to the eyes.

The two had a small quarrel every three days in the academy, and a big quarrel every five days. They were tit for tat, and their hatred piled up.

However, the children were fooling around, quarreling and taunting each other, never fighting, and the gentlemen of the academy didn't take it too seriously.

Adjustment is unlikely. After all, the Miao and Fang families have had conflicts over land and water, and they have always disliked each other.

This matter originally had nothing to do with Lu Zhou.

However, since Miao Hongyin went to their shop to buy clothes and warmly introduced many customers to his shop, Lu Zhou's relationship with him became better.

It wasn't that Lu Zhou couldn't afford to go early, but that the little fat man started to play with him. Lu Zhou went home for lunch, and the little fat man would sometimes carry his food box to the clothing store to eat.

There is no other reason, the little fat guy is also a foodie. After the business of the ready-made clothing shop improved, Yuan Manniang and Yan Mu were busy making clothes every day, and they didn't have time to make lunch. When Lu Xu found out, he asked the food shop to deliver a variety of pasta and stir-fry dishes to the shop every day. It's not the same thing every day, these little fat guys have great sexual power.

The little fat man's family was well off, and he had no shortage of food and clothing since he was a child. His family had a kitchen, and he basically paid for his food and drink at home, so he never went out to a restaurant until he was older. He really didn't know what the food outside tasted like.

Therefore, the dishes at Lu Ji Restaurant are particularly fresh to him, and it is particularly attractive to exchange dishes with Lu Zhou at noon.

After Hanlu and Xiaoxia opened their dessert shop, the little fat boy ran even more diligently. He also loves sweets!

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