Chapter 162 Writing a Letter

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The night before departure, Lu Xu, who always fell asleep, suffered from insomnia.

He stared at Yan Junqi's sleeping face all night, and set out early the next morning with a pair of dark circles under his eyes.

The team going to the northern border went first, and Lu Xuan and Luo Chun took the remaining people and left half a day later.

Lu Xu got on the mule cart and waved to his younger brothers and sisters who were waving to him. When he met Yan Junqi's deep gaze, he froze inexplicably. He wanted to ask something, but he didn't know how to ask. What he wanted to say, but he didn't know how to say it. .

The words were so poor that even though my lips moved several times, not a single word came out.

Yan Junqi handed him a newly made blank booklet and said with a gentle smile as usual: "Be careful on the road."


Lu Xu boarded the carriage at Lu Qing's urging. The mule carriage traveled far away, and the people seeing him off were getting farther and farther away.

After leaving the city, Lu Xu supported the goods and stood on the car. He stuck his head out from the tall goods and looked back at the gradually blurring figures across the long official road.

Lu Qing asked: "What's wrong?"

Lu Xu: "It's okay."

Lu Qing: “Can’t bear to leave home?”

Lu Xu remained silent.

Lu Qing laughed at him a few times, thinking he deserved it.

If Lu Xu had only delivered food to the northern border on his last trip and not bothered so much on the way, he would no longer have to make this trip in a hurry.

The people seeing him off could no longer be seen, and Guanyang City was also obscured by the shadow of the trees. Lu Xu sat back in the car and pinched the new brochure Yan Junqi made.

The first few pages and last few pages of the booklet were rolled up last time. This time Yan Junqi made a cloth cover for him.

Lu Xu stuffed the pamphlet into his pocket and leaned against the goods on the mule cart, dazed.

Lu Xu's mood was not very high along the way. When he arrived at the small inn built by the Luo family for dinner, his mood did not rise.

Normally, Lu Xu would have already taken advantage of the meal time to run over and give advice to others.

Lu Qing had never seen him look so wilted before, so he considered finding a doctor in Wenqiu County to see if he was sick.

It wasn't until there was no inn to stay in on the road and Lu Xu went to the village where he stayed to stay overnight to send flags that he felt a little more energetic.

The next day there was no trace of sadness. Lu Qing left him in the middle of the mule cart and went to the front to clear the way.

They rushed all the way to Wenqiu County, which was more than a day shorter than last time.

Lu Xu took the letter given to him by the county magistrate and visited the county government office. He also tried his best to persuade Wenqiu County Magistrate to organize merchants to go to Guanyang to purchase goods.

"Guanyang is a small town, but the wharf is not too small. All cargo ships going to the state capital pass through Guanyang. Purchasing from Guanyang is much cheaper than going to the state capital."

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