Chapter 110 Coming up with ideas

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Lu Xu and Yan Junqi spent the whole night planning how to persuade the county magistrate to give him credit, and spent the whole night calculating how much money the Guanyang Alliance and his restaurant were expected to make in a year.

After all the calculations, it is not enough to buy the mountain anyway.

Yan Junqi helped him sort it out, "If you want to expand river transportation and take over the vacancies left by the boat gangs in Guanyang, you will have to recruit people, build ships, and your grocery store. Opening one will cost you tens of taels of silver. If If you want to expand, it will still be a huge expense, let alone if you want to contact a caravan going north."

Lu Xu's eyes darkened.

Yan Junqi comforted him again: "But these are profitable businesses, and you can make them back in a year or two."

Lu Xu was not comforted.

He frowned and thought, in the past, Qiu Hu had to advance the cost of opening a grocery store. Later, the money earned was deducted from the cost, but in fact, he had not even earned back half of it.

No matter how you calculate it, he still owes Qiu Hu and the others a lot of money.

The caravan heading to Yonggu County needs to be organized.

Lu Xu said unwillingly: "How about I don't buy the mountain first?"

Yan Junqi continued to calculate for him, "Among all businesses now, shipping and food stores are the most profitable, and grocery stores are also very profitable. It's just that you invested too much money at the beginning in the method you chose. You need to figure it out slowly. In a few years, you will definitely be able to It's a lot of money."

Lu Xu nodded repeatedly.

His grandfather ran a grocery store, so he probably knew how much he could earn.

This is an inconspicuous sum, but it is a steady stream of income, especially since they have a wide range of shops. If they save a small sum of money, they will add up to a lot of money, which is a lot of money in a year.

Yan Junqi said: "If nothing else goes wrong, it will be enough to offset the wages and other expenses. The situation is very good now, but we are anxious for money."

Lu Xu nodded again, thinking about it and said: "I think I should study more recipes and join more restaurants. Isn't it a bit unkind to advance dividends to them this year and then teach them how to cook?"

Yan Junqi: "Yeah."

Lu Xu sighed: "I think so."

Although three percent of the stock is not much, it feels completely different to let people pay to learn a craft first than to learn a craft and make money before paying dividends.

What if we sell recipes directly?

Lu Xu thought about it, but still didn't want to.

First, he didn't know how much a dish was worth.

Secondly, if anyone can teach it, they will not be able to sell it at a high price.

If you want to sell at a high price, you have to have a monopoly. If you sell one or two dishes to a restaurant, you will make money quickly, but those two dishes cannot be popularized elsewhere.

He didn't think about these dishes. He was also the porter of the recipes, so he felt a little guilty selling them like this.

Buying shares and getting dividends to teach more than a dozen dishes every year is the most win-win way he can think of to popularize cooking skills.

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