Chapter 43 Who is Lu Xu?

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Dogs don't know what they think.

They just wanted to be angry, but they were afraid of angering Qiu Hu. The third master came back to scold them. Encourage their sixth master to come forward first, and if the third master comes back and scolds the sixth master, he will also scold the sixth master.

Gouzi responded casually twice and drove the trolley back to the gambling house.

There is also half a warehouse of grain in the warehouse of the gambling house. In addition to buying it for them, it also sells it to gamblers at high prices. Song Liu hasn't been home recently and has been living in a gambling house.

As soon as Gouzi entered the back door of the gambling house, he heard someone complaining to Song Liu inside.

"It's the fish seller from the Qiu family!"


"Seriously, I saw it with my own eyes!"

Gouzi doesn't need to worry, Song Liu already knows that Lu Xu and the Qiu family are involved.

When the boy who complained saw Gouzi, he waved hurriedly, "Gouzi saw it too! He is by the river! Gouzi, do you think you saw the boy who fried fried dough sticks get on the Qiu family's boat?"

Gouzi nodded, "Yes."

Song Liuyi slapped the table and stood up, "Damn it, neither of them take me seriously!"

Gouzi hurriedly said: "Sixth Master, they have already left. We can't keep up now."

Song Liuyi thought, yes.

It's a long way from the gambling house to the pier, and you still have to go to the city gate.

He sat back again, getting angrier as he walked. He picked up the pumpkin seeds on the table and threw them at the dog, "You don't know how to stop me!"

Gouzi stood with a grimace and said innocently: "There are so many brothers in the Boat Gang who dare not take action against the Qiu family. I am the only one..."

Song Liu wanted to hit him with a teapot again, but he saw that the teapot was a newly replaced official kiln celadon. Song Twelve had just brought it back from Fucheng and gave it to him, but he was reluctant to throw it away.

He slammed the teapot onto the table, grabbed a fan and fanned it fiercely, "Tomorrow morning, all of you, take your guys and follow me to the pier!"

On the other side, after Lu Yong delivered Lu Xu from the dock, he saw his father unloading grain from the ship gang's cargo ship from a distance. Two bags of grain weighing hundreds of kilograms were stacked on his father's shoulders, and the mud on his father's feet was stepped on. Come out of the pit.

Lu Yong wanted to help, but his father secretly shook his head at him.

Lu Yong stood in front of Qiu's stall, his eyes a little red.

Tan Shitou didn't know what he was looking at. Following his line of sight, he saw it was the cargo ship of the Ship Gang. He let out a sigh and cursed: "Earning unconscionable money that will ruin your children and grandchildren!"

After scolding him, he asked, "Can't you buy food? We still have millet and brown rice in the yard. If you want to eat, I'll get you a bag."

Lu Yong shook his head, "Brother Xu helped me buy food from their village."

Tan Shitou said, "Okay, we're all friends. You need to speak, so you're welcome."

Facing his big, bright eyes, Lu Yong felt extremely complicated.

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