Chapter 101 Moving North

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"Leave? Where are you going?" Lu Xu was confused, "Didn't you just come back?"

Qiu Hu and Lu Qing looked at each other and sighed, "To tell you the truth, brother, I became a minor official in the army, but I can't compare to a pioneer officer. After all, it's a family fortune. Now that the barbarians have surrendered, the north has become our place." , someone needs to be stationed there, the court wants us to take our families to settle down in the north..."

Lu Xu listened to Qiu Hu and Lu Qing's explanation in confusion.

After this battle, Daqi's border expanded northward for hundreds of miles. The benefits are visible to the naked eye. The border troubles in the north will be relieved, the territory will be expanded, unlimited prestige will be achieved, and peace will be maintained for a hundred years. But the difficulties are also there. The population has been depleted by the war. Everyone knows that the northern border is difficult and no one wants to go.

How can I keep it when there is no one? If it cannot be defended, the northern border will still become a hidden danger sooner or later.

The court argued for a long time, and the final plan was to let military households settle in the north first, and then slowly move the population there after the foundation was laid.

"It's not a bad thing. Our resettlement location is just north of Shuozhou. It's also under Shuozhou's control now. There are fewer people there and the area is bigger. One household can get dozens of acres of land. Brother, I am a hundred households, so I can give it to everyone. You should choose a good place." Qiu Hu saw that Lu Xu's face was getting worse as he listened, and patted his shoulder to comfort him, "The environment there is not bad, even if it is colder in winter, it is not much worse than on the mountain."

Lu Xu listened for a long time, but still couldn't understand what was going on.

Qiu Hu wanted to take the villagers down the mountain, but no matter how much wasteland they could open up for them and how much farmland they could sell, no village would dare to let a whole village of mountain people set up camp and settle next to them.

There are too many of them, they don’t understand and trust each other, and they are too threatening to others.

Not to mention the distance, even if it was Lujia Village, if Lu Xu went to Li Zheng and asked Qiu Hu and others to buy land, open up wasteland, and settle near the village, Li Zheng, the tribe, and the villagers would not agree at all.

With a stable region and clan culture, they are naturally xenophobic. This xenophobia allows them to accommodate a few households or more than a dozen families, but they will never accommodate a village, especially the mountain people who are known for their unruly nature.

If they want to go down the mountain and settle in Guanyang, they can only disperse.

If he wants to avoid being scattered, the only way in front of Qiu Hu is to become a military household and move north with the army.

Lu Xu refused to give up: "Do we have to go? We are no longer as hard as last year. In another ten years, no, maybe seven or eight years, the Guanyang Alliance can surpass the Boat Gang. I am confident that we can slowly let it go." When everyone moves down, they will gather in several villages near Guanyang County. They will buy fields, build houses, and settle down. It is not considered separate. Why do they have to go there? Even if they submit in name, no one can guarantee that. It’s safe here!”

If it was really good there, would the court still force the troops to take their families to work in the fields and border areas?

Even if the second uncle didn't say anything, Lu Xu could guess after listening to it for so long that he became a pioneer officer, sealed a thousand households, and resigned from office to return to farming - he couldn't harm his family to move north with him.

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