Chapter 94 Past Events

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Lu Wen smelled the gossip, but they didn't know anything about the previous generation.

Lu Xu asked Yuan Maniang and his third aunt, but none of them knew.

It was their aunt Lu Cai who heard that her second uncle was back and went back to her parents' house to see him. She stopped by Lu Xu's house to give Yuan Manniang an embroidered handkerchief. They heard this from her aunt.

Grandma Zhao's family has one son and one daughter. The son is younger than the fourth uncle, and the daughter Huixiang is the same age as the second uncle. The two have been childhood sweethearts. When the elders in the village see them, they always make fun of them.

The second uncle was lively and active when he was a child. He often went to the mountains to pick fruits, trap rabbits, and catch pheasants. Every time, he would send some to the Zhao family. Huixiang was skillful and always sewed handkerchiefs and made sachets for him.

At that time, the family was busy, and Lu Wuzhu and his wife had to raise five children. They wished they could grow up in the fields every day, and they only taught their daughters to do embroidery work in the winter when the farm was slack. Lu Cai had just started learning but didn't dare to make clothes. She cut old clothes to make some sweat towels for her parents and brothers. Her second brother always laughed at her poor embroidery skills and ugly work. Lu Cai was so angry that she took away the sweat towels and refused to make them for him. Within two days, the second brother was using new handkerchiefs that were white, fragrant and beautiful.

Lu Cai was so angry that she gathered the remaining brothers to join forces,The four of them beat each other to find out where the handkerchief came from, only then did their families find out. His second brother quietly had sex with Zhao Huixiang, the most beautiful and lovely girl in the village..

Lu Cai asked: "How did you deceive Sister Huixiang?"

Lu Qing looked around and asked him: "What is coaxing? Don't talk nonsense if you don't understand!"

Lu Cai: "It's just coaxing and lying! Sister Huixiang has so many people who like her that she can't look down on you!"

Lu Qing: "Many people like me too!"

Lu Cai didn't want to admit that this was the case.

The children in their family generally grow up late. The second brother is already growing up when he is just over ten years old. At the age of twelve or thirteen, he is already hanging out with the older children in the village who are fifteen or sixteen, going up mountains and rivers. He is also good at coaxing children. While making my sister angry, she also attracted the love of the little girls in the village.

Little girls of the same age always think that boys of the same age are naive, and think that her second brother is too mature!

Lu Cai annoyed her second brother and didn't give him a good look for several days, until one day she met Zhao Huixiang on the way home. Zhao Huixiang blushed and asked her in a soft voice if she wanted to come to her house to do embroidery work together.

From then on, Lu Cai had a best friend and a sister who took care of her. When a matchmaker came to propose marriage to her eldest brother, she first clamored to ask her second brother when he would marry Sister Huixiang as her sister-in-law.

The second brother said: "There is no hurry, the eldest brother will get married first."

Lu Cai ran to complain to Huixiang, and Huixiang also said, "How can a younger brother get married before his elder brother? You should urge Brother Daqing first."

Lu Cai asked: "Aren't you in a hurry?"

Huixiang blushed and shook her head, "Anyway, I will only marry your second brother anyway. One day earlier and one day later, there is no important difference."

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