Chapter 84 Digging for Money

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Song Liu waited and waited. Seeing that the day for paying the ransom was about to pass, he stopped complaining and asked the jailer several times a day if he had told his mother to find his second and third brothers.

Jailer: "I told you. I told your mother several times."

The old lady was crying and wanted to give him a few copper coins to take care of Song Liu, but he couldn't bear to accept it.

Song Liu was heartbroken.

Ten days have passed, not to mention Song Er and Song San, even if they were sending letters to the state capital, Song Da should have received them and rushed back.

Two hundred taels of silver, just two hundred taels, no one paid for him.

Song San and the others originally wanted to collect grain, but he lent them most of it.

Song Liu looked at Lu Xu with a troubled expression, his eyes full of worries.

Lu Xu was knitting straw sandals in her hands: "What do you think I'm doing? I can at most ask my family to send money tomorrow to pay back your 10 taels of medical expenses first, and nothing else. Don't say I don't have money now, I just have money. I won’t lend you a penny from our friendship.”

Song Liu: "I don't want your twelve taels, but I want..."

The cell door creaked open, and their conversation was interrupted. Song Liu looked out and saw Song Qi standing at the gate empty-handed behind the jailer.

Song Liu lost his voice: "Lao Qi? Are you back?!"

Song Qi said "Yes": "I'm back."

Song Liu: "Where is my father?"

Song Qi: "He's back too."

Song Qi came closer, and Song Liu saw that he was thinner and calmer than before, and he had a long scar on his face, which went through his nose.

Song Qidao: "I'll pay the fine for you, and I'll take care of your fourth uncle and aunt first."

Song Liu had tears in his eyes.

Song Qi looked at the cell, "Whatever you need, I will give it to you tomorrow."

Song Liu shook his head, "I'm not short. You go to the yard and dig out the silver I've hidden. You take two hundred taels and give Gouzi twenty taels for me. You and my father split the rest."

Song Qi looked at him in surprise.

Song Liu: "Lu Xu, I don't want your ten taels. Let me ask you, did you get any of my money when you renovated the shop?"

Lu Xu didn't want it to be any of his business, "What money?"

Song Liu: "I buried the money in the yard of the gambling shop, right under your Malatang shop."

Lu Xu: "..."

In fact, Song Liu hid in more than one place. The one in the middle was dug out to buy food for Song San. There was only one place left, and even Song Qi didn't know where it was. When he saw Lu Xu giving money to Gou Zi, he thought it was Gou Zi who betrayed him and told Lu Xu that he had hidden the money and asked Lu Xu to dig it out and secretly share the spoils with him.

Lu Xu also reacted and cursed in his heart, you are really good at hiding!

He said angrily: "No! Don't worry, I don't want any money that is not mine. When I get out, I will take your brother to dig. I will give you whatever I want for the ten taels. When the time comes, The two of us are settled."

A month passed quickly. Lu Hui came to see him in the prison once, and Tan Shitou came twice. At other times, Yan Junqi came to deliver meals at noon every day and talk to him about the situation at home and outside.

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