Chapter 132: Tribulation

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They walked on the trail for three days before emerging from the valley.

The path is narrow, and in some places where cars can't pass, they have to move rocks and dig soil to pave the way, or cut down small trees beside the road.

Lu Xu remembered that when he first walked the mountain road alone with a cart to sell snails in Guanyang, he would move stones to pave the way from time to time. Before going out, his fourth uncle and the others were already planning to repair the old mountain road, even if it was still only accessible by wheelbarrow. When the persimmons, walnuts and chestnuts are ripe in autumn, they can also be transported to the county town for sale.

Coming out of the mountain road, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and then couldn't help but be surprised.

Although they walked one day longer than planned, the trail was smooth and easy to walk. They completed the entire journey without any loss of goods. If they took the mountain road, it would never be so smooth.

This time without Lu Xu's reminder, Luo Chun took the people to cut down trees and find stones to make road signs.

This journey will be their way to make a living and make a fortune from now on. It would be funny if they didn't recognize it themselves.

After walking not far, they saw a farmland.

The villagers were weeding in the fields and were extremely surprised to see such a large number of people emerging from the mountains.

Lu Xu and Luo Chun went over to ask for directions, where the village was and if they could ask for some water.

There are three villages near here, connected together, and it is a big village. I heard that they came from Guanyang, but many people have never heard of it.

Seeing their miserable appearance due to the heat and stuffiness, he even showed them the way to a small river nearby.

Lu Xu and the others went to the river in three waves to wash up, and then went to the village to buy food.

Seeing that it was almost noon, many people in the village were cooking. Lu Xu was led over and bought all kinds of steamed buns, noodles and so on.

I saw that he was generous with the money, and other people said that he could make it fresh for them.

Anyway, every household has steamed buns, which are very quick to heat up or make noodles.

Of course Lu Xu wanted to eat freshly cooked food. He parked the food next to the car and asked those who had washed up to come over and eat first.

People in the village moved tables from their homes and placed them at the entrance of the village. They did not need to enter the village, they could just rest and eat at the entrance of the village.

Maybe because there are so many adults in the village, the villagers here don't reject foreigners like them very much, and they are curious to ask them how they came out of the mountains.

While eating, Lu Xu said that based on the reactions of the villagers, he suspected that these people thought Guanyang was a town in the south of Chongning County.

Lu Xu was curious: "Have you never been to the south?"

The villagers shook their heads: "There are mountains to the south, and there are tigers in the mountains, so we won't go."

Lu Xu: "Then where do you go to buy things? The county town?"

The villagers laughed: "The county town is still far away. It takes us half a day to walk north from here to Nankou Town. Go to the town to buy things! Are you going to the county town to sell things?"

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