Chapter 149 Inter-ethnic Trade

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After leaving the camp, Lu Xu rushed to meet Tan Shitou without stopping.

He used the money he earned from the camp to trade with the grain officer for a batch of backlogged skins, which were also mixed with animal bones and horns. Lu Xu also found some antlers and antlers in them. He didn't know if they were trophies seized during the war or Get them back from hunting and throw them in there.

Anyway, the warehouse where the furs are accumulated is not very clean, and the furs are simply preserved with plant ash. When you buy these, you have to find someone to clean them up, and the price the grain official charges is not high.

Lu Xu changed a tent with a shopping mentality, and also exchanged most of the medicinal herbs for some special medicinal herbs from the north.

He was a layman and didn't know much about the value of herbs. He planned to take them back to some big pharmacies to see if he could trick them into sending people to come with him to purchase them.

Lu Xu said goodbye and left, and Cao Canjun came out to see him off. Lu Xu wondered if he was reminding himself not to forget the fifty carts of food and grass.

The barbarian camp that Tan Shitou visited most often was not far from the camp that Qiu Hu was in charge of, only more than a day's journey away. The people who lived there were mainly Lunlan people.

When Lu Xu and others rushed over, Tan Shitou had almost completed the deal with the barbarians, and there was only one big problem left -

They don't sell sheep anymore.

Tan Shitou was dumbfounded. He had never encountered such a situation before when he came to buy.

Barbarian: "I can sell you one sheep, but if you want a hundred sheep, you won't sell them! Killing hundreds of sheep in summer will bring bad luck!"

Tan Shitou: "..."

He almost thought that he didn't learn the barbarian language well and misunderstood. He asked the translator to translate again, explaining that the sheep he bought were shipped to Longxing County.

How do ordinary herdsmen know where Longxing County is?

It’s not for sale anyway.

Tan Shitou had no choice but to scratch his head and buy everything else he could.

When Lu Xu arrived, he was still negotiating with several families of herdsmen, one of which was the Aya family who knew Lu Qing.

"If we kill so many sheep in the summer, it will either snow heavily in the winter or there will be a drought next year!"

Lu Xu was a little dumbfounded after hearing what the translator said. He didn't expect that they really had such a simple belief...

Lu Xu asked Tan Shitou how he got the sheep last time.

Tan Shitou spread his hands. In the past, when he had little money, he would scrape together one or two. After more than half a year, he gave them all to Lu Xu.

Lu Xu asked the barbarian herdsmen: "Can I buy sheep in autumn? Buy them in autumn and slaughter them in winter. I will slaughter them myself."

Translate it to the herdsmen.

They deeply distrust Lu Xu.

Lu Xu: "I want to open a restaurant specializing in selling mutton. I will kill one lamb a day and eat it while it is fresh. I will not kill them all in one day. I will buy one or two hundred lambs, which will be enough for me to last a winter."

The herdsmen still don't trust him very much.

Lu Xu: "I want to make money from mutton, buy goods, and sell them to you. I brought the porcelain, tea, and cloth."

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