Chapter 128 Departure

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After dinner, Lu Xu went home, took out money, and distributed money one by one to the group of disarmed soldiers and crew members he recruited.

Lu Xu gave half of their reward before departure, and the remaining half will be given out now.

They took the money, you pushed me, I pushed you, and finally they pushed towards the big man who sat closest to Lu Xu during the meal and talked to him several times.

The big man looked at Lu Xu with a red face, making Lu Xu look strange.

"What's wrong?" The money is wrong? Lu Xu counted it three times. Could it be that he counted it wrong?

The big man pondered for a while, "My boss, oh, Mr. Lu's family."

Lu Xu almost choked. There was only one word difference between Mr. Lu and Mr. Lu, and he instantly became more aggressive. He quickly straightened his body and showed some dignity, "You say it."

The big man said shyly: "Have all the people in the new caravan been recruited? We brothers can also travel by land. We also know the land route. Can we follow the caravan again?"

Lu Xu was shocked: "Of course I am willing to come with you, but the caravan is leaving soon. Didn't you just come back and don't need to go home to rest?"

Lu Xu chatted with Lu Qing and Liang Shanbao for a long time, without mentioning a word about them. He also mentioned that he was cooperating with the Luo County Wei family, and that he had recruited people, which made them feel guilty. When they heard Lu Xu's answer, they all put it down. Heart.

The big man: "Isn't there still a few days until the wheat is finished drying? It's enough to rest."

"When I go back, I don't have a room at home. I share a bed with several nephews, and one of them has to fall out every night. They don't want to squeeze in with me anymore."

"My family is similar, so I'm embarrassed."

"Yes, it doesn't make sense that I haven't fulfilled my filial piety after so many years outside and asked my parents to build a house when I came back."

"My brothers and sisters said they would help me build a house and get a wife, but I didn't have the nerve to ask for it."

"We'll make two more trips, save some money, and build a house before it's too late to rest."

They were talking in a flurry, and Lu Xu gradually became speechless as she listened.

These dozens of people generally have several to ten years of military experience. They are all around thirty years old, still in their prime, but they are no longer young in this era. If there were no twists and turns in their lives, they would have worked hard in their hometowns. They raised their children, but now they are struggling to make ends meet.

Lu Xu looked at them and couldn't help but look at his second uncle.

The second uncle sat by the wall and ate noodles with his head buried deeply, chewing slowly and making no sound.

Lu Xu didn't know what he was thinking.

He guessed that the second uncle probably didn't want to interfere with Lu Xu's business because of him.

Lu Xu didn't expect it to be so complicated. He was short of people, especially people who were willing to entrust his hope to him.

The caravan might collapse, and he might let them down, but it hadn't reached that point yet, and Lu Xu didn't want to think so hopelessly.

Don't worry about too much debt, whether it's money or favors, he's numb anyway.

He does not lack creditors, but he lacks people who dare to lend to him.

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