Chapter 19 Fried dough sticks steamed stuffed bun? Not to pay off debt?

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Lu Xu was stunned, "It's me."

The third aunt was angry and aggrieved: "Auntie, isn't she treating you and Zhouwa well? Why don't you think about auntie?"

Lu Xu: "...ah?"

Lu Xu suddenly remembered that his third aunt was also very good at steaming buns!

Isn’t this...hey, doesn’t he want to eat it himself? Lu Xu scratched the back of his head. His third aunt was used to being frugal, and she couldn't bear to steam white flour buns once a year. He didn't think of it for a moment!

Seeing that his third aunt was about to cry, Lu Xu asked Yuan Maniang awkwardly: "It seems that third grandma's bun shop is opening today?"

Yuan Manniang pinched the cloth and nodded, looking even more embarrassed than him.

The third grandma went to the market to sell steamed buns, and her business was getting better and better. When she met someone from the same village in the town, she asked if she could exchange grains at her house. After thinking about it, the third grandma thought it was feasible and planned to open a bun shop at home.

I came to tell them yesterday and brought a bowl of red bean paste buns!

The third aunt said depressedly: "We opened today, and people from our east end came to change the steamed buns. If my neighbor hadn't changed the steamed buns and told me, I wouldn't have known that it was you who came up with this idea."

Lu Xu sneered, "Why don't you open one, Third Aunt?"

The third aunt pouted: "That's so ugly. In such a big village, all the people are relatives. How can any relative tear down the relatives?"

She stared at Lu Xu aggrievedly and began to mutter, "It doesn't mean that you shouldn't give advice to the third grandma. We are all relatives, and it's not easy for anyone. It's just that, hey, you are older, little one." Hui Xiaoxuan and the others have not had as many ideas as you since they were young. You are the eldest in our family and they all call you eldest brother. You are thinking about ways to make money and think more about your younger brothers and sisters at home, you know?"

Lu Xu nodded like garlic.

He really didn't think about it that much.

He still missed his third aunt very much. As soon as Lu Zhou was born without a mother, the third aunt hugged and fed him. At that time, Yuan Manniang hadn't married into his house, and Lu Ji couldn't cook, so he either took him to the third uncle's house or the fourth uncle's house. Come on, he would eat whatever Lu Hui and Lu Xuan ate, and the third aunt and the fourth aunt would not miss a bite from him.

His third aunt was so angry that she didn't ask them to pay off the debt.

Lu Xu thought for a while, looked at the fresh iron pot that had not yet been unloaded, and suggested: "Third Aunt, how about I teach you how to fry fried dough sticks?"

The third aunt and Yuan Maniang were both confused: "Youtiao? What are youtiao?"

Lu Xu: "It's simple, I'll make it for you to try!"

What Lu Xu did was what he said, Third Aunt did. He only talks about the ingredients and requests, but as for how to double the dough and make it fluffy enough, it is all up to the third aunt.

He put in oil, salt and eggs, which made the third aunt feel distressed. She was not so willing to do it even during the Chinese New Year.

Lu Xu stood aside and kept thinking, "If you don't put oil, it won't be crispy, and it won't taste good after frying!"

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