Chapter 116 Small Customer

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Compared with Yan Junqi's classmates, the young scholars in the elementary school class do not have so much freedom in what they wear. Their parents and elders still have the final say.

By the second day, not many fashionistas had changed into spring clothes, but many people still wore thin clothes, especially those who got ink on their sleeves from writing yesterday, and today the sleeves were a little short.

However, after a day or two, some interested people still discovered the newly opened clothing store on the street.

Whether he was passing by or saw Lu Zhou and Yan Junqi going in, someone would come in the next afternoon.

Wealthy people have tailors and embroiderers who come to their homes, and even if they don't have a tailor shop that they always visit, they usually don't come in if they see a tailor shop.

The first guest was Lu Zhou's classmate.

This little fat boy used to study in the same academy where Ma Ruoqi studied. I heard that the county school teacher was invited by the county magistrate from his hometown.

The little fat boy has good basic skills and good handwriting. He stands out among a group of newly enlightened children.

As soon as he arrived, he set his sights on Lu Zhou, the top student here, and wanted to compete with Lu Zhou in everything.

Years ago, he memorized books faster than Lu Zhou, read more books than Lu Zhou, and wrote better than Lu Zhou.

Every time he was called upon to endorse something, he was the first to stand up.

Every time he finished reciting it smoothly, he would turn his head and see Lu Zhou looking at him with admiration.

Lu Zhou's performance inflated the little fat man's vanity.

Especially every time when he finished the copybook and asked Lu Zhou who wrote better, Lu Zhou would sincerely say "I can't write as well as you". He was so happy! He admired Lu Zhou's frankness, unlike his original opponent, who was stubborn and always wanted to find fault with his calligraphy.

Since Lu Zhou was so polite, the little fat man naturally regarded him as one of his own, and even wanted to invite Lu Zhou to his home when he was having a rest.

Unfortunately, Lu Zhou's family is not in the county, and they won't come when they take a break.

This made the little fat man very depressed. The other friends were either not smart enough, or they were cunning people who told lies, unlike Lu Zhou, who praised him for telling the truth and looking very sincere.

During the Chinese New Year, the little fat man followed the example of his father and uncle and held a banquet at home. He invited classmates, friends and relatives from both sides of the school to show off the treasures he got during the Chinese New Year. However, these people either couldn't see the good news, were hypocritical, or were too rude. Argue and talk back to him.

The little fat man was unhappy and especially wanted Lu Zhou to come.

After school that day, the little fat man suddenly discovered that Lu Zhou was not in a hurry to leave. Instead, he chased after his teacher and asked several questions before he slowly walked out. He did not go to the inner courtyard to wait for Yan Xiucai.

The little fat man was puzzled. Wasn't Lu Zhou in a hurry to take the boat every day?

Why are you not in a hurry today?

When he went out, he did not rush to get into his family sedan. Instead, he asked the second housekeeper to lead the sedan bearer to follow him, and they followed Lu Zhou to see where he was going.

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