Chapter 54 Fighting in jail

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Third uncle is injured, third aunt is sick, and grandma is sick. The third grandma next door is also sick, and the entire Lujia Village and Guanyang County are sick.

There was no smoke in the village all day long, and no other sound could be heard except whimpering.

On the second day after the conscription, boats began to open on the river again. Lu Xu took the Tan Stone Boat to the county town to buy medicine, and caught up with the boat gang and the Qiu brothers fighting at the dock.

As Qiu Hu expected, as soon as the conscription was over, Song San recovered from the drug and began to seize the docks and territory.

On the first day, because the Qiu family exercised restraint and the officers and soldiers arrived in time, the two sides ended hastily. In the following days, small-scale conflicts continued.

Lu Xu couldn't continue his business and couldn't help at home. He was holding back his anger every day to help Liang Shanbao and Tan Shitou deal with the troubles. He didn't want the boat gang to get worse. The boat they were alone in saw Guanyang and was besieged and overturned by several boats from the boat gang. .

Not only was the boat destroyed, but the people were almost drowned.

The crowd was so excited that Liang Shanbao couldn't bear it despite his good temper. He called Lu Xu, the dog-headed military advisor, to discuss together, "Tolerate it, or not?"

Lu Xu slapped the table and cursed: "Take care of him!"

The Qiu family and the boat gang went to war.

This time the two sides tacitly learned the lesson and ran to the other side of the river to face each other. When the officers and soldiers came by boat, both sides dispersed.

The first time, there was no winner. The second time, the boat collided. The Qiu family's boat was small, but the men were fierce. When it fell into the water, they dragged the boat and overturned it. The sunken boat blocked the river for two days. The county lieutenant took Song San, Liang Shubao called over and cursed loudly. The government sent people to force the two families to salvage the boat, but the two families restrained themselves.

The number of officers and soldiers patrolling the docks has tripled every day.

The county lieutenant, who always keeps a low profile, comes to inspect every day.

Seeing that the situation was calming down, unexpectedly one evening two groups of people had an inexplicable encounter on Guanyang Street.

Seventy or eighty members of the boat gang attacked more than 20 people from the Qiu family. They originally wanted to run away after the beating, but ran away before the officers and soldiers arrived. However, they didn't want the Qiu family to be caught off guard and still win with less, so they overturned the boat gang. The boat gang was also anxious and asked the younger brother to call for people. The Qiu family was not to be outdone. As a result, more and more people gathered, and the whole street fell into a melee.

The county captain was inspecting the dock and was furious when he heard the news. He never expected that these two groups of gangsters were so bold that they dared to fight on the street in front of the county government office.

The extremely angry county captain first led all the county's officers, soldiers and government servants to block both sides of the street. No matter who came up, they would be beaten with sticks and anyone who dared to resist would be killed.

Fortunately, both sides still had sense after being beaten red-eyed, and they quickly stopped and surrendered when they saw the officers and soldiers.

This time, the county captain and magistrate were furious. Those who caused trouble that day, whether they were boat gangs, Qiu family, or spectators, were all thrown into jail.

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