Chapter 138 Regional Characteristics

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Lu Xu wrapped the remaining biscuits and gave them all to Scarface.

Scarface didn't want to give up life or death, so Lu Xu simply went together and got all the points as if they were dealt cards.

"It's a bit damp. It will go bad in a few days. Let's eat it." After that, Lu Xu ate his own portion first.

Some of the others ate it immediately, while others still put it in their arms: "Our house is close. It will be here in a few days. Take it home."

They asked Lu Xu again, "Brother, can we go home?"

Lu Xu: "Can you?"

He wasn't sure either.

After all, they were bandits. Even though they surrendered, they should have been jailed for two years.

Lu Xu: "I'll ask Brother He tomorrow?"

Several people were grateful, and their attitude towards Lu Xu became a little warmer.

Anyway, when he woke up, Lu Xu had no intention of going back to sleep. Taking advantage of them becoming fond of him, he started asking them about the situation in Dengzhou.

I don’t know if I ask, but once I understand it, I find that Dengzhou is even worse than Chongning.

Dengzhou is in the southernmost part of Shuozhou, and Chongning occupies one end of Wuling Peak, one in the north and the other in the south. The difference is that Chongning only occupies a small part of the Wuling Peak valley, while Dengzhou occupies the main part. To the south are the Wulingfeng Mountains.

Wuling Peak is difficult to navigate and the terrain is still high. Except for a few small valleys where spring wheat can be grown for one season, only cold-resistant buckwheat can be grown in other areas.

The products are not abundant and the roads are difficult to travel. Dengzhou is one of the poorest in the entire Shuozhou County. Compared with several counties in the north, the only advantage is that it is located in the south and there are few barbarians. Even if a war does break out, they You can also dig deep into the mountains and take advantage of the terrain to take refuge.

Therefore, Dengzhou is poor, but the population in Shuozhou is not small.

There were many people, not enough to eat, and no way to make a living. Therefore, under the influence of Shuozhou culture, which was rich in martial arts, many people came up with the idea of ​​occupying the mountains and becoming bandits.

The target of the robbery was naturally Chongning, who was very wealthy compared to them.

Lu Xu suddenly understood. No wonder the locals were full of resentment when he mentioned Shuozhou when he was in Chongning. When they heard that he had to go over the mountains from Chongning, they all advised him to change his route.

Chongning was really wronged. He was not rich to begin with, and he was next to a neighbor who was even poorer and had no martial ethics. He was also across the county. It was difficult to join forces to suppress bandits. He guessed that Dengzhou County must not be very good either. Cooperate.

The more Lu Xu thought about it, the more speechless he became. No wonder there was an old official road but it could be so deserted. He just said that even if Daqi now has a new official road and fewer people walk on this ancient road, it would not be so desolate. It is simply No ordinary people dare to leave!

Those small merchants, why don’t you come and grab one?

If they are not poor, who is poor?

Lu Xu was extremely curious: "Don't your county government suppress bandits?"

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