Chapter 42: Grabbing someone alive

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The rooster crowed twice. Lu Yong rubbed his eyes and got up, sniffing his nose and smelling the familiar fragrance of beans.

The tofu shop is already cooking soy milk and making tofu in the yard.

Lu Yong got out of bed, got dressed and made the bed. In the morning, it was still steamed pancakes mixed with whole grains and bean dregs. Grandma brought him a bowl of hot soy milk and a pile of pickles on the table.

The proprietress of the tofu shop was stingy. He picked up vegetables and leaves from the morning market and fed them to the chickens of the two families, so the proprietress dug some bean dregs for him to eat. She never gave him soy milk. He has sold more tofu in the past few days. Lu Xu also lets him take the leftover broth home for stew every day. Their kitchen is shared. When his mother stews, she also stews some tofu for the tofu shop. The proprietress Only then was he willing to serve him a bowl of soy milk every morning.

Just one bowl, not much.

His grandmother, mother-in-law, and sister refused to drink. His mother poured one bowl into two small bowls, gave one small bowl to his father, and left the other small bowl for him.

Lu Yong remembered that Lu Xu had said that soy milk was best eaten with fried dough sticks, so Xun Mo waited for him to save some money and buy it from a tofu shop so that the whole family could drink hot soy milk every day. He then went to the grocery store to buy a bamboo tube and filled it with soy milk for Lu in the morning. Xu drink.

After breakfast, he loaded the basket with tofu and a tofu knife, and carried the table and two small benches to the morning market with his father.

The table is their old table. The old wood is a bit rotten and the edges are bumpy, but fortunately it is big enough and still strong. It is just right to cover it with a cloth and put a cold vegetable basin on it.

Lu Yong took out the cloth Lu Xu gave him from his arms and spread it on the table, then put the tofu on it first.

His father helped him pack up and went to work on the dock.

Lu Yong sat down on the small bench and waited for Lu Xu to arrive.

Not long after, people who had rushed early came out to purchase, and Lu Yong could still sell tofu for a while.

When several food sellers arrived carrying burdens, they automatically gave up the spot where Lu Xu put his cart and lined up next to him.

Now, because Lu Xu’s stall is so busy, the stall fees near them have increased. Every time at this time, Lu Yong silently admired Lu Xu, thinking that what Lu Xu said, they were all selling food in a row, so the idea of ​​setting up a snack street would definitely work.

The tofu shop is not willing to come, but he is willing. When he saves more money, he will also get a small cart, buy some bowls and chopsticks, and sell soy milk.

Lu Yong was thinking wildly when he suddenly heard Lu Xu's voice. He turned his head when he heard the sound. Why was there someone else following Lu Xu?

The guard chatted with Lu Xu: "Are you here so early today?"

Lu Xu: "You can be earlier in the future!"

Guard: "That's a good idea. It saves me from having to buy something from your horde of people."

Lu Xu: "Just tell me what you want and I'll keep it for you!"

Guard: "You said so! Leave me two bowls of stir-fried vegetables first. Are there any eggplants and beans today?"

Lu Xu: "Yes!"

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