Chapter 91 Birthday

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Entering the twelfth lunar month, it is the coldest time of the year.

They have no air conditioning or heating, not even briquettes or coal. They rely on wearing cotton-padded jackets and burning firewood for heating.

Fortunately, they were next to a mountain, and the third and fourth uncles had stored a lot of firewood after the autumn harvest.

This year they all had extra income, and they did not carry firewood to sell in the town like in previous years. They kept it all for themselves, and also gave a lot to Lu Xu's family.

In winter, many people who came to Lu Xu's house to learn embroidery from Yuan Manniang also went to Lu Xu to pick up firewood. At this time, there was a pile of firewood piled up in his backyard, but he was too cold to reach out and even went out to carry firewood. Do some psychological work.

Their Lu Rui is different. He is wearing a new cotton-padded jacket made this year, like a little fur ball, jumping around the yard. He is full of energy. From the moment he opens his eyes in the morning to the time he closes his eyes to sleep, he does not move for a moment. He runs here and there, his hands and feet are warm, and he will be sweating after a while.

Yuan Manniang thought his clothes were dirty, so she used old clothes to make three smocks for him, which were enough to wear.

Lu Xu called him, "Rui'er, go grab a piece of wood."

Lu Rui: "Wood!"

Lu Xu: "Yes, find a big one that can withstand burning."

The little ball bumped to the backyard, and used his feet to pull down the firewood from the short pile of wood. His strength was limited, and all he could pull were branches. He compared the ones he pulled down and saw that none of them could withstand the burning. Looking back at my brother, the yard was empty.

Lu Rui ran back two steps, then thought about it and ran back again. He walked around behind the pile of wood and pushed hard. The pile of firewood tilted a little but did not fall.

He gathered his strength and used the same energy as when he bumped into other children in the village. He bumped his shoulder against the pile of firewood, held in his breath, kicked on the ground, pushed...crash.

A corner of the firewood pile collapsed.

Lu Rui went around, picked up the largest piece of firewood that fell, and dragged it back with both hands.

Lu Xu heard the noise, opened the curtain, and saw his Lu Rui dragging back a piece of wood about ten centimeters in diameter with both hands, sticking his butt out, his feet slipping, and using all his energy to suck milk.

Lu Xu: "Come over here and push!"

Lu Rui looked back at him.

Lu Xu gestured to him, "Turn around and push sideways here."

Lu Rui let go, looked down at the wood and thought for a moment, walked around to the side, raised his foot and kicked it.

The wood moved.

Rolled forward a foot.

Lu Rui chased after him, bent down and pushed with his butt, and the wood moved again.

He said "Hey" happily, chuckled at Lu Xu with bright eyes, and started rolling logs all over the yard.

Well, if you kick his ball and break it, you will find another toy!

Lu Xu wrapped up her clothes and resigned herself to carrying firewood.

Passing by Lu Rui, Lu Xu stepped on the piece of wood and checked that there were no thorns on it. He used a hatchet to smooth out the uneven edges, and then gave it to Lu Rui to play with.

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