Chapter 172 Gift Giving

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Time was limited, so since he wanted to inquire about the Valiant Cavalry, Lu Xu did not look for anyone else, but went directly to Chen Lian.

As soon as he got up the next day, he asked the innkeeper to run errands for him and go to the military camp to ask if Chen Lian was there.

This time Chen Lian was there, not only Chen Lian was there, but Wu Gang was also there.

Not long after Lu Xu waited, the man came back and informed him that he was going to the military camp——

Chen Lian is on duty today, so it's hard to find him outside the camp.

Lu Xu followed the man carrying wine, meat and gifts.

The Qiaoqi Army is stationed in the northeast corner of Qinglong City, guarding the corner gate. There is a small school ground in the city. When it is not convenient to practice in the city, they will go out through the corner gate to the large school ground in Qinglong Mountain.

On the way to the camp, you will also pass by the General's Mansion, which is the residence of the garrison generals of the past dynasties. It is more elegant than the one built by the Shuozhou County Governor's Office.

Lu Xu passed by and looked up. There were soldiers on duty on the turret looking at him coldly from above. Lu Xu quickly looked away, thinking that this place was much more impressive than the Northern Army camp.

Comparing the two, the Northern Territory Army is like a pauper with empty territory, which is incomparable to the family fortune of the Valiant Cavalry Army.

When Lu Xu arrived, Wu Gang was already waiting for him at the entrance. Even if an acquaintance came to pick him up, Lu Xu had to be inspected and interrogated for a while. Unlike the Northern Territory Army, who only looked at their appearance to distinguish whether they were Daqi people or barbarians. The inspection is half done.

At the end of the process, Lu Xu packed up the items spread out for inspection and followed Wu Gang in.

The Xiaoqi Army had a special place to receive guests, and Wu Gang took him there directly.

On the way, Lu Xu asked about He Chengye and learned that he had returned to Beijing a few days ago.

Lu Xuran understood that it turned out that He Chengye's hometown was in the capital. Could he be some kind of royal relative?

He and Wu Gang were not familiar with Chen Lian, and they didn't ask further questions.

Wu Gang didn't ask him why he came to see Chen Lian, but he openly flipped through the gifts brought by Lu Xu, took out a piece of beef jerky and put it into his mouth to chew.

Wu Gang: "Have you ever gone to see Manzi?"

Lu Xu: "I just came back from the north."

Wu Gang: "Oh."

As soon as he swallowed the beef, he found another piece of preserved fruit.

Lu Xu: "..."

The teeth are really good, unlike him, who has to chew a piece of dried meat for a long time.

Wu Gang turned his attention to the wine again, but after thinking that Chen Lian was on duty today and couldn't drink, he gave up.

People should be loyal.

Not long after, Chen Lian came.

Lu Xu saw him in military uniform for the first time. He looked around curiously and even touched him.

Chen Lian laughed loudly and put the helmet on Lu Xu's head to give him pleasure.

Don't tell me, it's so heavy!

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