Chapter 55 Visitation

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Even if you come, you always have to ask.

After the boat gang members had finished shouting and making trouble, Lu Xu went over and asked if he could visit the prison. The officer still didn't give him a good look and told him to get out.

Lu Xu had no choice but to risk being urged to return the book and wait for the scribe who was writing the paperwork for him, asking him to ask if he could send bedding to the prison.

In the afternoon, I heard that the boat gang gathered people to cause trouble in the Yamen and were arrested.

Lu Xu: "..."

Tan Shitou: "..."

The Qiu brothers who were still not convinced in the morning said: "..."

In the evening, the county magistrate asked how many people had been arrested by the boat gang. After hearing the report from the county captain, he sighed: "Finally, the river can be quiet for a few days. Where is the Qiu family? Didn't they come to make trouble?"

The county lieutenant shook his head: "I'm here, but I just asked if I could ask a doctor to the prison and give me some bedding."

The county magistrate was stunned, laughed, and said curiously, "This is not like Qiu Hu's style."

When Qiu Hu first arrived in Guanyang, he got into a lot of trouble. He always relied on his fists and never relied on his brain to solve problems. He had several fights with Luo Shen and was arrested by the Yamen several times.

If he didn't think he was decent, he would have been put in jail long ago.

The county magistrate pinched his beard and asked: "Who is in charge of those mountain people now?"

County captain: "There is a boy named Tan Shitou, who is sixteen years old and is Qiu Hu's neighbor. There is also a boy named Lu Xu, who is seventeen years old and is Qiu Hu's foster brother."

The county magistrate was even more surprised, "Do you know whose idea it was to send the bedding?"

County captain: "Lu Xu."

County Magistrate: "The name sounds familiar."

County Captain: "I heard Luo Shen mention that he seems to have a close affinity with this kid."

The county magistrate nodded, and then smiled and said: "If they are willing to give it, let them give it, not only bedding, but also rations, and ask the boat gang to deliver it too. Nowadays, Guanyang is short of food, and the people still have difficulty eating. How can they have food and drink?" They deliver it themselves.”

When Lu Xu received the news, he sighed that their county magistrate was really a wonderful person. This is the first time I heard that you have to provide your own food and drink when you go to jail.

Lu Xu: "It seems that Shanbao and the others won't be able to be released for a while. Brothers, let's remember that at this juncture, the county magistrate is about to kill a chicken to scare the monkeys and kill a hundred others, so that the boat gang will be stupid. We must not hit the knife edge."

For just one day, the Qiu brothers obeyed.

They didn't take what Lu Xu said in the morning seriously, but it only took one day, and it all came true!

In the afternoon, someone from the Boat Gang asked them if they wanted to go to the Yamen to demonstrate together, but Lu Xu refused to allow them to go. They were aggrieved by being scolded as cowards by the Boat Gang standing in front of their house. At this moment, they felt so refreshed!

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