Chapter 127 The caravan returns

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We are seeing the beginning of summer, the early spring wheat has been harvested, and the fields are busy again.

Tianzhong is busy, the number of farmers picking vegetables to sell in the county has decreased, and the East Street morning market is also a bit sluggish than usual.

At this time, the advantage of being able to go to grocery stores in various villages and towns to collect vegetables and grains becomes apparent. The business of the two grocery stores in Guanyang Alliance is somewhat better than usual.

Now Lu Xuan has completely taken over the connection with the grocery stores in each village. Twenty small and medium-sized cargo ships travel between the county town and the grocery stores every day, specifically delivering and receiving goods.

Lu Xuan assigned a responsible village to each ship, most of which were located at or near the owner of the ship. They would deliver goods back from the county in the evening, and load the daily newly harvested vegetables, agricultural products, eggs, etc. on the ship at night or early in the morning. , transport it to the city early in the morning, so as to avoid the peak boat traffic and ensure that the daily dishes are tender and fresh.

People who have difficulty getting up early and cannot catch up with the morning market, or those who are temporarily short of something, will go to grocery stores to browse.

The dishes at Guanyang Alliance Grocery Store are all carefully selected. The price is higher than the morning market, and the quality is more guaranteed than the morning market. As time goes by, many wealthy families have asked the grocery store to deliver vegetables to their homes, which also saves them the cost of purchasing. effort.

The business of the grocery store is steadily increasing. Lu Xuan checks the inventory with Lu Xu every month to see what is easy to sell and what is not. If any handmade products of inferior quality are screened out, he will choose a day at the end of the month to do it. Big promotion——

Small items are given away for free, while large items are sold at 50% or 40% off.

As long as the cost can be recovered, there will be no overstocking of inventory.

This was also a helpless move. Lu Xu's family was not rich enough, and he was busy recruiting people to form a caravan, so he was often stretched thin. Sometimes the money was not enough, so before Lu Xuan and Han Lu could hand it over to him, he would run to the shop to ask for it.

Even the money earned by the ready-made clothing store is basically given to him for turnover.

Lu Xu's small account book at Yan Junqi's has become more and more memorable.

Fortunately, he has gathered the manpower for the caravan and the goods are basically ready. He just needs to finish harvesting the wheat and load the grain before setting off.

With the Luo family's connections this year, Lu Xu probably also found out that the grain tax would not be higher than last autumn. If the Guanyang granary was full, there must be a lot of surplus grain that could be sold elsewhere.

It would be difficult for Lu Xu alone to obtain the qualification to sell grain, but with the help of Luo County Lieutenant, and he only planned to collect grain near Lujia Village and Luojia Village, there was a lot of room for maneuver.

For this reason, Lu Xu mostly lives in the village recently and orders food from door to door.

After running around Lujia Village, he also visited all the relatives in the nearby villages. Except for a few villages in Yinma Town, the villages where his sister-in-law lived and the villages where his third aunt and fourth aunt's family lived were the focus.

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