Chapter 41 Qiu Hu

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Lu Xu was talking about the Qiu family, and the Qiu family were also talking about him.

Qiu Hu rented a large courtyard in the south of Guanyang County. In the evening, all the brothers in the county gathered here to have dinner. While eating, they chatted about what they had seen and heard in various places throughout the day, exchanged knowledge, and came up with ideas and strategies together.

"The county master went out by boat again today. I don't know if he went out to raise food."

"Where is the food now?"

"Isn't there a boat gang?"

"I heard that they have stockpiled a large amount of grain in Guanyang and want to sell it to Fucheng."

“I’ve been missing a great virtue for eight generations!”

Qiu Hu was eating pickled steamed buns and just laughed. He asked Liang Shubao: "I heard that you have sold out all the local products today?"

"Sold out!" Liang Shubao said with great interest how he sold Lu Xu's dry goods and vegetables.

He was chosen by lot to set up a stall to sell wild products at the East Street morning market. He was originally worried that it would be difficult to sell because of his fierce appearance, so he refused several times. Qiu Hu comforted him that as time went by, others would know that he was really good at the goods, but he still sold two It has been three months and business has not improved.

The other brothers who were unloading goods, building houses, working as part-time workers, and fishing gradually became more comfortable. His brother Shan Bao could also deliver firewood and vegetables to the big house, but he was still the same.

The only times it was sold was when Shan Bao delivered firewood to a customer and helped him sell it.

Liang Shubao still had a grimace on his face, "Brother Hu, I'm really not a business person!"

Especially when he saw how Lu Xu made the business prosperous.

He observed that Lu Xu didn't just learn it every day. He learned and imitated it every day, but he didn't seem to be imitating it. He also yelled and said he was obedient. He also tasted it before buying it, but he couldn't stop others from walking around his stall. !

Liang Shubao: "I can't learn those words or those tricks. Why don't you let me carry the big bag or go fishing?"

Uncle Tan laughed at him, "Come on, you were so dizzy when you got on the boat that you couldn't stand up, and you were fishing for fish."

Liang Shubao: "That's because you can't row the boat well!"

Qiu Hu asked: "Uncle Tan, what do you think of that Lu Xu?"

Uncle Tan recounted in detail what Lu Xu had said to him on the road.

When Qiu Hu heard that he was supporting his brother and that his brother was his confidence, he couldn't help but nod his head.

He was the only son in his family. His mother was injured when giving birth to him. A few years ago, the winter weather was cold and she fell ill. They couldn't find a doctor in the mountains. His mother forced him to wait until the beginning of spring and almost died.

From that moment on, he was determined to go down the mountain and make a career.

He walked over mountains and ridges to get out of the mountains. When there was fruit, he carried fresh fruits from the mountain in a basket and sold them. When there was no fruit, he worked as a coolie for others, carrying big bags, repairing roofs, harvesting wheat, and plowing the fields as an ox. .

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