Chapter 32 Documents

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"I was too impatient. I wanted to make money, buy my land, and open a store in Guanyang to do business." Lu Xu pushed away the book Yan Junqi had spread out on the table and sat down in his old position. , supporting his chin with one hand and spreading out his small account book with the other, "The land price is too expensive now, I can't afford it, and the fried dough stick business is not easy to do. I plan to open a few acres of wasteland first, and I can plant some buckwheat after a while. You Help me think about it?"

Lu Xu kept mumbling, "If I had known, my two acres of land would not only grow vegetables but also millet."

Yan Junqi asked: "You don't sell fried dough sticks anymore?"

Lu Xu felt a little entangled again.

He managed to accumulate regular customers and finally established a foothold on East Street. "I still have to go, but I have to think about selling something else."

Food is too expensive and too much is consumed.

Yan Junqi asked: "Are you still selling snails?"

Lu Xu opened his eyes and calculated the cost. The snails cost nothing, and his family also paid a lot for the oil, salt and seasonings.

At this juncture, it’s a blessing that the prices of many spices sold as medicinal herbs haven’t increased much.

Lu Xu took out his piece of paper and started writing and drawing, thinking of his sesame paste.

The only happy things these days are that Liu Youzi finally made sesame paste and Aunt Three finally raised enough money to buy the cow.

Liu Youzi's sesame paste tasted more mellow than any brand he had eaten before. When he went to collect the sesame paste, he had some small problems-Liu Youzi didn't want copper coins.

Their paperwork was written, 150 Wen a catty of sesame paste, money is worthless now, but their paperwork was written in black and white, Liu Youzi's heart was bleeding.

He insisted that Lu Xu convert it into grain for him based on the market price when the document was established.

Lu Xu: "You didn't buy this sesame right now. Why did you lose money when you sold it to me for 150 cents?"

Liu Youzi quit: "Now a pound of wheat costs one hundred and fifty cents! One pound of wheat for me a pound of sesame paste? I'll give it to you at this price, and our whole family goes to drink northwest wind? Don't do it! You ask the Yamen to arrest me Catch him!"

He sat on the threshold like a fool, preventing Lu Xu from entering.

Lu Xu laughed angrily. He thought he was already thick-skinned, but he didn't expect to meet such a shameless person.

He didn't come in either, and rolled up his sleeves and had a quarrel with Liu Youzi at the door of their house. The two of them came and went and argued, and finally negotiated a compromise price: four catties of wheat for one catty of sesame paste.

According to the previous market price, Lu Xu made a profit, but Liu Youzi had sesame seeds and couldn't buy rice and noodles. Their family was running out of food. Both of them were quite satisfied and turned over their small ledgers in their hearts, but they had a look on their faces. With the attitude of "I'm so angry and I've suffered a big loss", Lu Xu brought 60 kilograms of wheat in exchange for 15 kilograms of sesame paste the next day, and everyone was happy.

It's just that Lu Xu originally planned to sell sesame paste cold noodles while the weather was hot, but now he doesn't plan to sell them anymore.

After much thought, he only had one direction left: "It's not easy to make Mala Tang on such a hot day, how about I sell cold dishes?"

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