Chapter 180 Misunderstanding

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The family knew that Lu Xu would be back for dinner in the evening, so they closed the shop early and came back to prepare.

Lu Wen also brought back a large piece of mutton.

This was a sheep that was slaughtered the night before yesterday. It was almost arriving at Guanyang. This sheep's leg was injured for some reason. Lu Xu put it on the cart. The sheep could not eat or drink.

Seeing that it was impossible, Lu Xu took the initiative and slaughtered the sheep.

They ate some on the way and brought back only the best hunks of meat.

Fortunately, the weather is cold in winter, so the meat will not go bad if left for two days.

Lu Wen went to the warehouse to unload the truck, and Luo Chun divided the mutton into two pieces, giving one piece to him and taking the other piece back to Luo's house.

Both families eat mutton in the evening.

The difference is that Luo Chun plans to cook the stew for the old man and his wife to try, while Lu Wen plans to rinse the pot.

The last time Lu Xu treated him to a treat, there was too little meat and he didn't even eat it. This time it was his family's turn.

He deliberately dug out the copper pot he had used last time from the warehouse and asked Xiaoxia to wash it again while he went to prepare charcoal and other ingredients.

Tofu, bean curds, mushrooms, wild vegetables, cabbage, fish balls, kelp, short ribs, bean sprouts, radishes, etc. are all ready-made and can be picked up from the food shop.

The condiments are also available at home.

The third aunt brought the things to them and prepared to return to the village.

Lu Wen, Xiao Xia and Han Lu were staying here tonight, so she didn't plan to stay.

Yuan Manniang cut the mutton in half and brought it back to Third Aunt, "Have a taste. Our family will probably be in need of this in the future."

The third aunt was not polite either. They had a good relationship with their sisters-in-law and did not talk about false etiquette. "Okay, I have to urge Xuwa to open the restaurant quickly. Our Lu Hui smells like sheep every day, and he still hasn't eaten a mouthful of mutton." .”

Yuan Manniang couldn't help laughing.

Yan's mother heard this and smiled while soaking the dried vegetables: "It's not because you Lu Hui didn't raise him to death. He would have eaten mutton long ago."

Third Aunt: "The one who eats first is his father's slap."

Speaking of her eldest son, the third aunt was filled with pride. From all over the country, there was no child with a more honest, honest and capable character than their Xiaohui.

As soon as she stepped out of the kitchen with the meat, she saw her other son teasing Lu Rui in the yard. Lu Wen snatched Lu Rui's little tiger and raised it above his head, making Lu Rui pull his trouser legs and crawl on top of him.

Lu Rui was well fed and could run and jump. He was neither strong nor weak, so others couldn't climb up. Instead, they pulled down Lu Wen's pants, exposing all the Lu Wen's flesh.

The third aunt went over and raised her hand to give Lu Wen a slap in the face, "Is there a brother like you? Pull up your pants and your butt is exposed!"

Lu Wen returned the little tiger to Lu Rui angrily and lifted up his pants. He only dared to reply in his heart, it was obviously his waist!

The third aunt pinched his ears again and scolded him. The new little bully in Guanyang was scolded by his own mother like a chicken with the plague. His majestic appearance outside was completely gone, and he still had to suffer from his little cousin. merciless ridicule.

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