Chapter 16 Words

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Lu Xu didn't bother and quietly returned home. He was curious about how many snails he could get back with a piece of candy during the twelfth lunar month.

Lu Zhou was not at home, probably to pick reed leaves, and Yuan Manniang was not there either. I heard Lu Rui's "ahhh" sound from across the wall, and Baozheng and Yuan Manniang went to Yan Junqi's house.

Lu Xu put the things in the kitchen, picked up a few pieces of candy and went to Yan's house to visit.

Yuan Maniang and Yan's mother were doing embroidery work in the yard. Wen Zhen led Lu Rui to learn to walk. Lu Xu greeted Wen Zhen and gave him a piece of candy and told him not to give it to Lu Rui. He ran to find Yan Junqi amidst his brother's protests.

He doesn't play with children.

The two of them hid in the house and ate sweets, while Lu Xu settled accounts with Yan Junqi's pen and paper.

After paying back the money to my aunt's family, I still owe ten taels to my third uncle's family, five taels to my fourth uncle's family, and about ten taels for the iron pot.

He still has three taels in hand.


In order not to appear too bizarre, he did not write the numbers. Instead, he drew lines on the paper like a blacksmith, one or two per line, but it was a bit troublesome to count.

Yan Junqi saw him scratching his head and scratched his head, so he came over curiously and asked, "Is this money?"

Lu Xu: "Yes! This is what I owe my third uncle, what I owe my fourth uncle, and the money for the iron pot."

Yan Junqi: "Iron pot?"

Lu Xu: "Iron pot! It can stir-fry, fry and deep-fry. When I buy it back, I'll cook it for you to try."

Yan Junqi didn't know much about cooking and could barely cook something. He didn't know what stir-frying was, so he just nodded and said yes.

Speaking of iron pots, Lu Xu couldn't help but think of what he had heard in the blacksmith shop, so he took the opportunity to talk to Yan Junqi.

Yan Junqi asked: "Can the iron shop have farm tools?"

Lu Xu thought for a while: "Yes, there are hoes, rakes, axes, and pickaxes. There are also kitchen knives and hatchets."

Yan Junqi asked again: "Has your order for the iron pot been registered with an official?"

Lu Xu shook his head, "I just paid a deposit."

Yan Junqi thought for a long time and said softly: "Maybe the battle will be over."

Lu Xu's eyes widened suddenly, "Really?"

Yan Junqi was looking at him so expectantly, a little embarrassed, and slowly analyzed it with him, "I am also making random speculations. Ironware is a heavy weapon. Although the trade of ironware among the people in our country is not as strict as that of the previous dynasty, since the war has become tense, the number of ironware on the market has increased. The blacksmiths have no iron to use, and most of the farm tools can only be repaired but not sold. Even if iron ore is found, it must be used for the war. Even if there is plenty, there will never be any spare iron flowing to the market. Unless it is..."

Lu Xufu said in his heart, "The battle is almost over, we don't need so many weapons anymore!"

Yan Junqi nodded.

Lu Xu stared at Yan Junqi. The more he thought about it, the more sense it made. He slapped his leg and praised, "Why didn't I think of that?! Jun Qi, you are so smart!"

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