Chapter 170 New Store

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After leaving Qianjiao Ridge, before we reached Yonggu County, snow began to fall in the sky.

By the afternoon, the snow was getting heavier and heavier. When they arrived in Yonggu County, there were already two inches of snow on the ground.

Lu Xu was extremely lucky. If he encountered snow in Qianjiao Mountain and the mountain road was difficult to travel, he didn't know how much trouble he would have.

He turned to look north, wondering whether Qiu Hu, Tan Shitou and Aya had returned to the camp safely, and whether it was snowing in the camp as well.

On the way back, the car full of sheep turned into sheep, and more than 500 cattle, sheep, and mules entered the city, which made the people of Yonggu County look at the excitement.

Luo Bei and Luo Jiang, who stayed behind in Yonggu County, were also dumbfounded.

They knew that the caravan was crowded and Lu Xu wanted to buy sheep, so they rented two large yards in the city, but they really didn't expect that Lu Xu could get so many sheep.

Luo Bei was a little confused: "How about I go look for the yard again?"

Lu Xu: "Stop looking for it. It's getting dark. There will be a curfew in a while. Let's pull the cattle and mule carts over first."

They rented other people's yards for a short period of time. Regardless of whether others were willing to let them graze so many livestock, they would certainly not prepare enough fodder for five hundred sheep.

Lu Xu took out the token of the Northern Border Army from his arms and said, "Let's see if we can borrow the inn."

Yonggu County has been on the front line all year round during the war. The post station is very large and equipped with stables. It probably also stores fodder, but I don't know if it will be lent to them.

Lu Xu was not very confident as he held the token.

Strictly speaking, this sign can only prove to him that he has some relationship with the Northern Army, but they are not the Northern Army, and they are not sending military rations to the Northern Army at this time. The Yonggu County Council ignores it and is reasonable and compliant. I wonder if Yonggu County welcomes them.

In order to show his attitude and sincerity, Lu Xu deliberately paid out the rent first.

The official who originally thought it was troublesome and didn't want to go out in the snow saw the money in Lu Xu's hand, and his frown slowly dispersed. He pondered for a moment: "You guys wait, I will report."

After a while, he took two colleagues to help Lu Xu drive the sheep into the inn.

It was already dark, and five hundred sheep were standing on the street, soaked in the snow and bleating non-stop, but they didn't sound very lively.

After walking in the snow for a long time, not to mention the sheep, the people were tired and hungry, and their shoes and socks were already soaked.

Lu Xu hurriedly drove the sheep to the inn, fearing that his precious sheep would be frozen.

When the sheep saw the forage, they finally became energetic. They were not obedient along the way. This time, there were no sheepdogs to drive them away, so they went in to eat grass by themselves.

Lu Xu looked at the mess on the ground behind the sheep and said with a smile: "We will clean it up!"

The three officials almost nodded and said, "Let's clean up quickly while the snow is still not heavy and it's not freezing."

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