Chapter 200 Exam Questions

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The results release day in Daqi is April 20th, and there are about ten days of free time from the end of the exam to the results release.

The days when candidates wait for their rankings are extremely painful and extremely reckless.

Those who don't know whether they can pass the exam, who are hopeful but not very confident, can't sleep or eat every day. Those who are confident that they can pass the exam, or those who are confident that they can't pass the exam, can indulge in fun.

The rest are either infected by one party or instigated by the other party. They are anxious and embarrassed. They gather for answers today, drink boringly at the party tomorrow, and follow others to have fun the day after tomorrow.

These days are also the busiest days in the Qinglou Chu Pavilion.

Young talents from all over the country gather here to spend time. There are often people who are inspired by poetry, reciting poems and writing essays for beauties.

Naturally, there are also those who cherish their feathers and disdain to go to such an unattractive place. They either study at home and prepare for the palace examination after the results are announced, or they invite a few people they can talk to to find a quiet and elegant place to gather.

Yan Junqi also received many invitations, but he declined them all in the past few days.

If others want to have fun, he also wants to have fun. However, while others go out to have a romantic time, he indulges himself at home.

For three days in a row, he and Lu Xu slept until midnight. They didn't even know when Lu Zhou went out to find friends.

The first party Yan Junqi attended was organized by a group of candidates who were worried about their grades.

The question this time is difficult to say or difficult to say.

It's difficult, the tests are all within the classics. As long as you work hard and diligently, you won't be wasted and your words will be meaningful. However, you must also be unique in answering regular questions.

Candidates with real talent and knowledge are not afraid of these questions.

It's not difficult to say, but there are two questions that are very simple but very difficult to answer.

One asked, where is the source of wealth?

Ask one question, the way of king and minister.

These two questions are considered routine and should be easy to answer. However, the current treasury of Daqi is empty. The court has just had a ridiculous incident in which a courtier proposed to sell his official position in exchange for money and was dismissed. This group of officials just finished laughing. He was tested immediately——

The candidates were dumbfounded.

Should we talk about the past, the present, or the past and the present?

Ancient times are easy to talk about, but everyone can understand the meaning behind this question: Selling an official position is not good, the treasury has no money, and disasters are everywhere, you can tell me how to make money.

If we only talk about the theory of classics, it will be in vain. If we talk about the current dilemma of the imperial court, they, a group of candidates who are busy studying, cannot come up with any solution in one day.

The senior who had just been dismissed from office had not yet wiped away his tears.

The second one is even more deadly.

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