Chapter 157 Invitation

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This batch of velvet antlers is not in large quantity and is of good quality.

Lu Xu thought about it. It was originally left unused in the tent. If it was easy to pick and of good quality, it would have been taken away by the military doctor long ago, and it would not be his turn.

Not to mention the antlers, those complete-shaped horns fell into his hands because they were difficult to pick out under the fur. If he could catch deer antlers, he would already be making a lot of money.

Lu Xu happily auctioned off half of the deer antlers, and his wallet bulged a little more.

He took the opportunity to ask these pharmacists if any of them were willing to go north with him to purchase medicinal materials.

He is always alone and knows nothing, and his secret will be revealed sooner or later. If he can bring someone with knowledge, he can take him to the pharmacies and medicinal materials markets in Qinglong City or other counties. Although it is not as cheap as getting it from the common people, at least it is cheaper than Guanyang in the place of production. If you buy more at a small profit, it will be good for him to sell it to the south.

The drug dealer was interested, but when he heard that Lu Xu was leaving in two days, he hesitated.

Lu Xu: "It doesn't matter. If it doesn't work this time, there will be a next time. The next time will probably be after spring."

The drug dealers promised to go back and think about it again and give him approval tomorrow.

After sending the druggist away, Lu Xu asked Lu Wen to pick one of the remaining items as a sample. He picked the largest and most beautiful antlers, then ran to the warehouse to load a pink stone, several animal skins, and a large bag of about Those merchants who didn't give Lu Yong and Lu Xuan any bargains were gone.

At the same time, Song San and others, who had returned to Guanyang after selling autumn grain in the Song family house, were also entertaining guests at home.

Song Da and Song Er have worked hard for many years and have established a firm foothold in the state capital. Now even in the state capital, when it comes to their shipping gang, the Song family, they are still a big businessman with a good reputation.

The more this happens, the more they care about Guanyangzai's somersault, and are always ready to regain Guanyang's river transport.

Hearing that Lu Xu had returned from the north, Song San took a fast boat back to Guanyang from the state capital without stopping to inquire about Lu Xu's return.

The Song family seemed to have a conflict with the Luo family. Lu Xu couldn't open a good restaurant, so he ran a business. If he wanted to run a business, he ran a business. He also joined forces with the Luo family to start a grain business.

Song San almost vomited blood when he knew that the Guanyang Alliance was collecting grain. Why did they do whatever the people named Lu did? !

If Lu Xu knew what he was thinking, he would be speechless. Guanyang’s specialty is grain, and of course he wants to sell grain!

But the Song family didn't think so. They even suspected that Lu Xu had specially analyzed the way their family made a fortune and deliberately followed it.

Otherwise, why would his family engage in water transportation, and Lu Xu would form a Guanyang Alliance to compete for water trade? His family would sell grain, and Lu Xu would start collecting grain and selling it everywhere? Seeing that they could not compete with the state capital, they found another way to travel overland.

Why doesn't he go to heaven?

During the autumn harvest, Song Da even transferred Song Shi back from the state capital to go to various villages and towns to keep an eye on the grain harvest situation.

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