Chapter 7 A big family

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When Lu Xu got home and put down his things, he first went to Li Zheng to explain about the grain collection in the town.

After listening to this, Li Zheng said worriedly that he understood.

Collecting grain was a trivial matter, and he was afraid of another conscription.

Lu Xu went home, and La Yue and Yan Wenzhen were guarding the fish and eating sweets in his yard.

Their Lu Zhou picked up the fish with scissors, cut it open, cleaned it, and threw the entrails to the chickens.

Seeing that he was back, he said with great disapproval: "Brother, there is this fish in the river. I can catch it too. I don't have to spend money to buy it."

Yes, you are lucky if you can catch two in a day. Lu Xu was too lazy to talk to him and rubbed his head. "Do you know why you are the only one who doesn't have candy? Because you are annoying."

Lu Zhou: "..."

He pouted, "Brother Junqi gave it to me, but I didn't want it."

But his elder brother didn't listen to his explanation and had already taken La Yue and Wenzhen to catch snails.

Lu Zhou was depressed, hey.

Lu Xu and his two little ones were catching snails by the stream. After a while, Xiaoman from the fourth uncle's family and Xiaoyu from the third uncle's family came to play with Lu Fu by the stream. Xiaoyu was eight years old and seven years old, and Lu Fu was two months younger than the twelfth lunar month. , only five years old. The few little cubs are not yet old enough to work as laborers, so they play together carefree every day.

Now that a child laborer has arrived, Lu Xu sits by the stream and directs a few little beans to catch snails for him, and leisurely draws cakes for his younger brothers and sisters: "Whoever catches the most, I will buy candies for him tomorrow."

Lu Xu rubbed his aching shoulder. The skin on his right shoulder was scratched and it still hurt when he moved. He didn't know how Yan Junqi was doing.

La Yue held a handful of snails and put them into the basket at Lu Xu's feet. She raised her little face and asked curiously, "Brother, are your shoulders uncomfortable?"

Lu Xu rubbed her little nipples and said, "It's okay. Brother, just take a rest and you'll be fine."

Look at how cute his sister is and how she cares about whether he is comfortable. Look at Yan Wenzhen, a silly boy who doesn't know how to care about his own brother. He even caught a snail and stuffed the big one into the twelfth month of the twelfth lunar month.

Lu Xu watched with gusto.

As the sun began to set, Lu Xu carried half the basket of snails home, leaving Yan Wenzhen to play with the twelfth moon, and then sent the little beans home one by one.

The previous generations of the Lu family had four brothers with an auspicious name. There was also a daughter among them, who was married to a neighboring village.

The old house of the Lu family is located in the middle of the village to the east. The square adobe yard is spacious and sturdy. The eldest brother Lu Ji and the third child Lu You both got married in the old house. When the time came for the fourth child Lu Yu to get married, , the family could no longer live in each other, so the two brothers discussed dividing the house. The younger brother was young and had no savings, so he gave the house to his younger brother. The land was divided into six parts. The four brothers and their parents each had one share, and the second brother Lu Qing had one share. He left for military service at the age of fifteen. His share was given to his parents, and the three brothers farmed it together. After harvesting the grain and selling it, all the money was given to his parents.

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