Chapter 48 Silk Thread

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Lu Xu went home and told Lu Zhou and Yuan Maniang about his plan to open a shop for his grandfather.

"Grandpa promised so readily. I think he will probably give me the money later. If I am not at home, you should not accept it."

Yuan Manniang nodded: "Since your grandfather is looking after the shop and we have no contribution, naturally we can't ask for this money."

La Yue was a little disappointed, looked up and asked, "Brother, can't we open a shop?"

Yuan Manniang touched her head and said, "Grandma is sick and needs to take a lot of medicine. Mom can also make money doing embroidery, so let grandpa run the shop. Grandpa makes money by opening the shop, so he can take medicine for grandma."

Lu Zhou was stunned.

He suddenly turned his head to look at Lu Xu. No wonder his elder brother didn't let him speak all night.

The depression that I had held in all night was gone.

He only thought about his family's lack of money, but ignored that his grandparents also had to spend money, and he even ignored the hard work that his fourth uncle had to do to take care of his grandparents.

He looked at Lu Xu. The eldest brother was holding Lu Rui and happily tying Lu Rui's pigtails. Next to him was the curious December. From time to time, Lu Rui raised his short hand to touch the little knot on his head, which was very fresh.

Lu Zhou silently clenched his fists, then slowly loosened them, and lowered his head in shame.

The eldest brother once taught him not to regard Lu Wen as his brother. It turned out that he was really too small-minded.

Still struggling in the twelfth lunar month, he asked Lu Xu: "Can I still eat sweets in the twelfth lunar month?"

Lu Xu: "Yes, if you ask grandpa for it, he will definitely give it to you, but you can only eat one in two days. If you eat too much, your teeth will be damaged, and if you eat candy, you can't ask for anything else."

La Yue nodded, "Yeah! La Yue has saved money. If you want something else, spend money on it."

Lu Xu said "Ouch" and handed Lu Rui to Lu Zhou, who was still depressed. He rubbed Lu Yue's little face with both hands, "Ouch, whose ice-snow and smart little cutie is this!"

Lu Yue couldn't stop giggling and threw herself into his arms shyly, "I'm from my brother's family. I'm so cute."

Lu Xu: "The twelfth lunar month is the cutest."

December: "My brother is the cutest."

Lu Zhou: "..."

Lu Rui: "...ah!"

He kept fluttering, stepping on Lu Zhou's arm to get into Lu Xu's arms, and said anxiously: "Me! Me! Rui!"

Lu Xu pushed him away: "You're not cute."

Lu Rui cried "Wow".

The Lu family yard was in a state of chaos again.

The fourth uncle spent two days opening a door for the house facing the street, cutting trees from the mountain to make wooden doors, tables and chairs, and making high and low shelves according to Lu Xu's requirements.

Place dishes and heavy items in the lower area, put the most commonly used items in the middle, and hang various colored strings in the upper area.

The lines arranged according to the transition of colors are like vertical rainbows, attracting the little girls in the village to come in and look at it again and again.

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