Chapter 40 Taking a boat

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Lu Xu was prepared to see a broken boat, but when he arrived at the dock, he saw a brand-new fishing boat.

The boat was painted red and hung with a flag of green mountains on a black background, all of which were brand new.

The boat has a thatched shed, and outside the cabin are coir raincoats and bamboo hats.

Lu Xu visually inspected that although the fishing boat was not as wide as the Song family's passenger ship, it was larger than the Song family's fishing boat.

He looked carefully at the entire dock. The area closest to the city gate was occupied by the Song family. Next to the Song family were the official boats, and after that were the Qiu family's fishing boats.

Although the fishing boat of the Qiu brothers was a little further from the city gate, it was located much closer to the center than the ordinary fishing boat that paid money to the Song family.

After Lu Xu made some observations, he became very curious about the family he knew least about - the Qiu brothers were trying to get a piece of the Song family's pie in the Song family's territory!

The big man and the honest man asked Lu Xu to wait at the pier while they asked which boat went to Yinma Town.

The man running the Qiu family's fish stall was also a big man with dark skin. He looked younger than the two brothers. He had big eyes and a sweet smile. Seeing that Lu Xu was brought in by the two of them, he gave Lu Xu a stool first. Xu sat down and took the initiative to chat with Lu Xu.

Hearing that Lu Xu is from Yinma Town, the child said, "It's no coincidence, my uncle and the others often go there to catch fish recently, and ask them to send you back later."

Lu Xu was curious: "I heard that the Qiu brothers are all mountain people. How come they catch fish?"

Child: "It's not that Song Sanye's people are busy dumping grain, and there are fewer fish sellers in the county. Brother Dahu asked us if we dared to go down the river. Why don't we dare? Why not do it, Dahu Brother Hu said, we will catch fish and sell them."

Good guy, take advantage of the emptiness behind the Song family, and copy Song's family background? !

Lu Xu: "Aren't you afraid that Song San will be unhappy when he comes back?"

Child: "What's there to be unhappy about? Brother Dahu and Mr. Song often drink together. Brother Dahu said that if Mr. Song won't let us take it, we will move aside."

Lu Xu: "..."

It turns out that this position belongs to the Song family! He said how could the boat gang give such a good position to the Qiu family.

What a tough head! Lu Xu was sour, this is what being a big brother should look like.

He was even more curious about this Qiu Hu.

Lu Xu asked: "Are you all named Qiu?"

The child shook his head, "My surname is Tan! Tan Shitou, Brother Shubao who brought you here, Brother Shanbao's surname is Liang. We are different from the Boat Gang. Only Brother Dahu's surname is Qiu. We lived a hard life in the mountains, but Brother Dahu broke out." , and brought us all out."

His eyes were bright and full of admiration. Lu Xu listened with longing in his eyes.

Tan Shitou talked to Lu Xu about Qiu Hu's heroic deeds.

When the big man Liang Shubao and the simple and thick-faced Liang Shanbao came to call Lu Xu, the two of them had already called each other brothers and cherished each other.

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