Chapter 186 Idle Man

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Lu Xu quickly retracted his hand that had nowhere to rest.

The innocent Lu Rui jumped down from the threshold, jumped up and ran over with arms spread out: "Rui Rui Guangguang!"

Yan Junqi went to close the door to prevent the cold wind from getting in and making Lu Xu freeze.

Lu Xu could already understand Lu Rui's baby talk, "You want to come in and sleep with your brother?"


Lu Rui didn't stay in bed, but when he saw his brother still lying on the bed, he wanted to go in and play.

Lu Rui threw his little ball onto the Tukang and climbed up using his hands and feet.

He would be able to grab the quilt when he jumped up. He grabbed the quilt with his hands and stepped on the cracks in the wall of the earthen kang with his feet, humming as if climbing a rock.

The movements are particularly skillful.

There was a short bench in Yuan Manniang's room. Ever since he was still unsteady when walking, Lu Rui had been stepping on the bench to get in and out of bed every day.

Now there is no small bench, so he dares to climb up.

Lu Xu was afraid that he would fall, so he leaned out half of his body and grabbed the small cotton-padded jacket on Lu Rui's back, helping to lift him up.

Lu Rui could also climb along the pole, and relied on his brother's strength to stand on the bed. He didn't even take off his shoes before he jumped into his brother's arms.

When he pounced, Lu Xunuan's upper body, which had been wet and warm all night, was caught off guard and hit a small ice dumpling, and he immediately let out a scream of "ouch".

He quickly pulled his brother aside, he was so cold that he woke up, "Lu Rui! Why are you so cold!"

Lu Rui fell down on the quilt and stared blankly at his brother who was grinning and shrinking into the quilt.

Yan Junqi couldn't help laughing: "He was playing in the snow just now."

Although kid Lu Rui couldn't understand what was going on, he was sure that his brother was playing with him!

He sat up with his hands on the quilt, took off his shoes, threw them off the bed, climbed up, climbed up to Lu Xu's side, stretched out his hand to pat his brother.

Lu Xu's sleeves, which had been soaked for a long time, touched Lu Xu's face. Lu Xu screamed again, "Go, go, play over there, don't touch me."

Lu Rui had fun, and was not annoyed when his brother pushed him away again. Seeing Lu Xu's whole body got under the quilt, he giggled and looked for a gap elsewhere, opened a small hole and went into Lu Xu's quilt. Drill.

The two brothers were quarreling under the quilt.

Lu Xu: "Get out! I'll bite you!"

Lu Rui: "Hahaha, catch my brother!"

Wherever he drilled, Lu Xu pulled the quilt to block him. When Lu Rui was blocked, he persisted in drilling in another direction.

After a while, Lu Xu's entire quilt was blocked in front of Lu Rui. Lu Rui was buried in the quilt, and Lu Xu's back was completely exposed.

Lu Rui was squirming around like a little mouse, "Catch brother! Catch brother!"

Lu Xuren ran out of the quilt, and simply hugged Lu Rui and the quilt, "Caught him!"

Lu Rui laughed.

"Rui Ruizang!"

"What are you hiding? The quilt has been warmed and wet by me." Lu Xu let him go and took some clothes from the side to put on.

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