Chapter 185 Selling New Year Goods

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When we returned to Dengzhou again, it was already the twelfth lunar month.

The two brothers of the Luo family have already distributed Chinese New Year red envelopes to all the clerks and long-term workers. Each of them is not much, fifty cents, a small bag of sugar, a pound of rice, a pound of noodles, and a pound of meat. Everyone has it.

Whether it's working as a clerk in their store or building a house for them, they all have it.

Several cobblers received particularly large annual bonuses because their whole families worked there. They were afraid that the meat would spoil, so they even resold some of it.

Luo Dan and Luo Guang were going back to Guanyang with Lu Xu to celebrate the New Year, but the shopkeeper of the grocery store who came from Guanyang with Lu Xu decided to stay.

His hometown is in the south. When he returned to Guanyang, he also went to his aunt's house. His uncle Gangtuo Luxu brought a cart of cloth. The year before was the peak of sales, especially groceries. There were always people who would forget to buy this and that. He also Don't want to miss it.

Their family has been in business for generations, and there is no emphasis on family reunions during holidays. He had been eating and drinking in the inn for so long, and decided to open the door for Lu Xu and Luo's family to do business.

Anyway, the shops are all next to each other, and the local clerks in Dengzhou are not in a hurry to take a holiday.

"Give me the key and I'll sell it for you."

Lu Xu had nothing to worry about and asked Rodin to give him the key to the warehouse. He also entrusted the leather shop to the cobbler's family for temporary management.

I heard that some people who have no money to celebrate the New Year will hunt, sell meat and leather during the New Year. Their leather shop is open and they can collect some leather.

After explaining the business, they decided to leave.

Before leaving, Lu Xu went to see Magistrate Cui to say goodbye, and Magistrate Cui personally sent them outside the city.

At this time, there were no military households moving north on the entire official road, and the patrolling soldiers no longer came out.

The tea stalls along the way should have been closed long ago, but they were all waiting for Lu Xu and the others. After they passed by, they officially closed the stalls and went home for the New Year.

Lu Xu kept the principal to open the tea shed next year, took the remaining profits, and gave them the New Year gifts and red envelopes prepared in advance.

The Scarface family got especially rich.

He doesn't have to worry about the tea sheds in Dengzhou and Baoshan. They are all close to home, except for the Menliang bandits who are still on the old official road at Wuling Peak.

When they returned, it snowed heavily at Wuling Peak, making it extremely difficult to walk up and down the mountain.

Fortunately, they didn't bring much with them on their return journey. They were careful not to encounter any danger along the way and suffered no losses.

Lu Xu asked the Menliang bandits to go to Dengzhou to celebrate the New Year. "When the weather gets better and the mountain roads are better, you can go to Dengzhou. There will be no one staying at the New Year inn. It's better than staying in the barren mountains."

The bandits at Menliang said: "We are also an inn here!"

Lu Xu sneered: "It's Chinese New Year and no one is passing by. Do you still want to go up the mountain to catch rabbits to eat?"

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