Chapter 118 Change your mind

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Lu Xu's idea was very simple. If you don't like wearing it, just watch it!

What Yuan Manniang embroiders is all fruits, with bright colors and realistic looks. It would be so nice to hang a painting like this at home in this gray season!

Those thin colorful threads are much more delicate than the hanging paintings in calligraphy and painting shops. Why are calligraphy and painting so popular but not embroidery?

Just do it, and it's easy to make changes.

Next door to them was a painting shop. Lu Xu framed the three embroideries embroidered by Yuan Manniang into two vertical and one horizontal hanging paintings, and asked him to use the best scrolls, which were incomparably worthy of this gorgeous embroidery painting.

The owner of the mounting shop is also curious. They mount calligraphy and have done many paintings, but this is the first time they have mounted embroidery.

Lu Xu was bluffing. He didn't know how much this thing was worth. He didn't dare to neglect it and asked the best master to carefully frame it and send it back.

This time, Lu Xu did not use paper for mounting, but chose jade-colored satin material, which was mounted on the back of the embroidery piece. After mounting, the jade-colored background was like a jade plate, with moist pink peaches, red apples, The orange-red persimmons make people salivate just looking at them.

After reading it, La Yue looked up and said, "Mom, I want to eat peaches."

Lu Rui was no more reserved than her sister, so she just jumped forward.

Lu Xu moved away in time, let alone them, he was already greedy.

Except for a few dried fruits and frozen pears that he saved during the winter, he hadn't eaten any fruit in a long time!

Even if there is a tomato to gnaw on?

Lu Xu swallowed silently, and took the peach scroll that Lu Rui and the others had not seen clearly and hung it directly on the wall in front of the store door. The vertical apples and persimmons were hung outside the door.

Lu Xu clapped his hands and moved the small bench of the twelfth month to the window, "You should look at our two paintings for my mother, and don't let the passing thieves steal them."

La Yue nodded solemnly with a sullen face.

This afternoon, passers-by passing by the county school street suddenly saw a mass of red and orange in the deserted street scene of late winter and early spring. They were afraid that they could not see clearly, so they stopped to take a look. They were really apples and persimmons!

Look again, it seems to be a painting.

But what kind of paint was used to make it so bright?

I was so curious that I couldn't help but take a closer look. Oh, it turned out to be embroidered! This is so finely embroidered!

They looked at it and suddenly saw a round shadow behind the window paper. Then the window was opened, revealing the round head of a little girl doll.

The little girl threatened fiercely: "My brother said you can only look at it but not touch it. If you want to touch it, just buy it and take it home and touch it as you like!"

Passerby: " much?"

The twelfth lunar month: "Twelve."

Passerby: "How much?!"

December: "Twelve." That's what my brother said...

The passers-by gasped and thought to themselves, why didn’t you go grab it?

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