Chapter 31 The question is too difficult

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Lu Xu sold out all the fried dough sticks in less than half an hour.

Because he collects money, and is willing to accept copper coins, the guests buy basket by basket.

People in Luxu were all selling hemp, and they suspected that these people were using fried dough sticks as food storage because they couldn't buy food. Later, he had to remind: "It's hot and I can't stand the fried dough sticks. Do you want to buy some?"

The other person: "It's okay, I have a lot of family members."

What else can Lu Xu say?

He closed the stall early. Seeing that Lu Yong couldn't sit still, he asked, "Are you still selling?"

Lu Yong didn't say a word.

Lu Xu: "Why don't you sell this piece of tofu to me? You can do whatever you want to do."

Lu Yong was pleasantly surprised. He stopped Lu Xu and didn't ask him to pay. Instead, he asked: "Brother Lu, I don't want money. Can you give me food?"

Lu Xu was startled: "Okay."

Then he asked: "I will transport thirty kilograms to you tomorrow. Is it enough for an emergency?"

Lu Yong: "Thirty pounds?"

He quickly calculated the price of thirty kilograms, blushed and shook his head, "My family doesn't have that much money."

Lu Xu: "It's okay. I'll give you as much as you can. If it's not enough, it will be used to pay for the stall fee in the future."

Lu Yong's eyes were hot: "Thank you."

Lu Xu comforted him: "Don't worry, the government will definitely find a way."

Lu Yong and Lu Xu said goodbye to each other on Dongjie Street. He did not go home, but went to dig wild vegetables outside the city.

Lu Xu was not in a hurry to go home. He pushed his cart on East Street to inquire about prices. Salt and grain are the weather vane. He can't ask about the grain price, but he can still see the salt price. Today, the salt price is 90 cents, nearly doubled.

Shopkeeper: "Buy it early, the price will go up tomorrow."

Lu Xu: "There is no shortage of salt, so why do we double it for no reason?"

Shopkeeper: "The price of food has more than doubled."

Lu Xu was speechless, and was extremely glad that he bought a large jar of salt before going home to harvest wheat.

Asked about the oil again, it also doubled.

Lu Xuxin cursed and went crazy.

When he went to the bank to exchange the money, he found that Youyan was not completely crazy yet and still had some sense.

"Say it again, how much?"

"One tael of silver is 2,700 fen. Today it is 2,700 fen. Tomorrow it may be 3,000 fen."

Lu Xu pushed the cart and left.

If he doesn’t change it, he has the strength and can push the copper coins home!

He still doesn't believe it. Can prices keep rising or can prices keep falling?

But the reality quickly slapped people in the face. In less than a month, the price of grain rose to 12,000 Wen per stone, and the price of silver went crazy.

Lu Xu inquired about the price of grain and salt every day, and the fried dough sticks rose to thirty cents a piece. They were sold out before anyone entered the East Street.

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