Chapter 181 Confession

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Yan Junqi nodded blankly, before he could put away the disappointment in his expression.


He compiled it in the academy in the afternoon.

After handing in the class strategy in advance, I ran behind the rockery alone, took out the red thread I secretly took from a clothing store at noon, and knitted it in the howling cold wind.

He was afraid that Lu Xu would have already returned from the village when he got home and would not have time to wait for him to make up again.

He put the knot on his sleeve and kept it there for half the afternoon and half the night. It was warm and thoroughly warm. He handed over the knot and his heart solemnly, anxiously and expectantly.

But Lu Xu ran away.

He ran away without saying anything.

Yan Junqi couldn't understand why?

Since you were going to give him the Tongxinknot, why did you run away like this?

Did he misunderstand?

Or Lu Xu discovered his thoughts and was just testing.

Are you so frightened that you run away when you find out the truth?

Yan Junqi stayed alone in the empty hall, looking at the stove where the heat had not dissipated, feeling so lonely in vain.

Yan Junqi fled from the hall.

In the kitchen, Lu Xu took a deep breath and asked slowly: "You know what concentric knots mean, right?"

The voice was tight, with a trace of unusual low and hoarse tone.

"I..." Yan Junqi saw the clear water marks on Lu Xu's face through the dim light of the oil lamp and was stunned.

Lu Xu asked again: "Where shall I give you?"

Yan Junqi quickly pulled his hand out of the basin, hurriedly wiped it on his clothes, and carefully took it out from his sleeve.

Lu Xu's eyes flashed.

The nose is a bit sour.

He doesn't seem to have unrequited love.


so awkward.

Lu Xu couldn't laugh or cry, he had mixed feelings and a mess, and his head was a mess...

Feeling relieved, aggrieved, and angry.

He complained: "Then why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Yan Junqi's reason, common sense, and intelligence were completely broken, and he was confused, anxious, and at a loss.

Lu Xu was furious: "These two are so similar, how could I know which one is which? I thought you didn't want it and returned what I gave you!"

Yan Junqi: "..."

Yan Junqi looked at Lu Xu in disbelief, almost going crazy.

He understands, he finally understands!

Fortunately, he thought Lu Xu was testing him and resisted escaping after knowing his intentions. He even thought about leaving Guanyang, not disturbing him, and escaping to the state capital to study alone.

it turns out......

That's it!

Yan Junqi took a deep breath.

He was so angry that he was shaking all over.

How could he think of Lu Xu in such a complicated way!

How could someone not even recognize if they made something up? !

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