Chapter 50 A good beating

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Yan Junqi asked: "Where does the horse come from?"

Lu Xu: "North!"

Lu Xu was startled.


The horses come not from the South Gate Pier, but from the north!

Yan Junqi: "There is a shortage of horses now. Only important government orders will be delivered to Guanyang by horse from the state capital. Did you see clearly what kind of yamen clothes he is wearing?"

Lu Xu shook his head.

The rain was too heavy and he didn't pay attention.

Just remember to watch the horses.

Yan Junqi: "It doesn't matter. Whether it is a blessing or a curse, you will know it soon."

It rained heavily again the next day.

It also rained heavily on the third day.

It seemed that all the rain owed from the spring flood to the summer harvest had been made up, and even the boats could not operate. Lu Xu was forced to be trapped at home, unable to do business, but still not allowed to rest.

The rain was too heavy, and it was necessary to prevent floods and protect seedlings. Lu Xu asked Lu Zhou to look after his younger brothers and sisters, put on his raincoat, and went to the field with Yuan Manniang to check the vegetable seedlings.

All the adults in the village dug ditches in the fields to release water in the rain to prevent the seedlings from rotting due to the accumulation of water in the fields.

The wild fields of Lu Xu's family and third aunt's family were next to each other. They rushed there, but Lu Hui was the only one in the field. Third uncle and third aunt took Xiao Xia and were busy releasing water in the fertile fields.

The wasteland is next to the hillside. The land is barren and the terrain is slightly higher. It is difficult to irrigate. We can only grow some drought-tolerant beans and millet. Fortunately, it is not easy to accumulate water.

It was still raining and the road was getting harder and harder to walk. Lu Xu asked Yuan Maniang and Lu Hui to go back first while he checked all the fields of both families.

When Lu Xu came back, he saw Yuan Maniang's eyes were red when she entered the house, and Yan Junqi and Yan's mother were also there.

"What's going on here?"

Yuan Manniang shook her head.

Lu Zhou's face turned red, he didn't know whether he was angry or suppressed, "Huang Hu bullied my mother!"

Lu Xu understood it as soon as he heard it.

Lujia Village has the most people surnamed Lu, followed by those surnamed Huang. It's just that the Huang family has never been as united as the Lu family and has not become popular in the village. Huang Hu has been cheating and cheating since he was a child. When he grew up, he ruined the family by eating, drinking, whoring and gambling. He couldn't get a wife, and even molested his sister-in-law. After committing suicide, his parents had no choice but to separate the family.

After the family was separated, Huang Hu continued to eat, drink, whore, and gamble. When the family was ruined, he relied on his parents to replenish his fortune secretly. At the beginning of the year, he was chased home due to gambling debts. He hid outside for a while, and later went to work as a corvee with the villagers, which was considered a peace of mind. for a while.

Today, all the adults in the village were busy in the fields, and there was no one in the village. Huang Hu was wandering around the village, and maybe he happened to see Yuan Maniang.

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