Chapter 72 Choice

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Only the first sixty students will be admitted in the hospital examination, of which the first twenty will be exempted from room and board, while the last forty will be admitted in two batches. In addition to taking care of their own food and accommodation, the first batch will have to pay 20 taels per year, and the last batch will have to pay 30 taels per year. two.

Unlike the Ma family, who were rejoicing and throwing a big banquet, Yan Junqi was inexplicably confused when he heard that he had passed the supplementary examination.

Is this a good thing? But he had to hand over thirty-two bundles to repair.

Isn't that a good thing? After all, he passed the examination as a scholar and could avoid the burden of corvee.

Yan Junqi closed the door and locked himself in the room after seeing off the people in the village who were celebrating.

He sat in front of his desk, with congratulatory gifts on the table. It was the first time that a scholar appeared in their village. Even though his surname was not Lu, Li Zheng gave him three taels of silver from the Lu family's gold.

Yan Junqi opened the drawer. In the drawer were the ten taels of silver he had saved, all his savings.

He raised his head and stared at the roof above his head in a daze. The adobe roof was so heavy that it seemed to be pressing down.

There was a knock on the window frame. Yan Junqi opened the window and was not surprised to see Lu Xu's bright smile.

Lu Xu pointed in the direction of his door and said, "Open the door."

Yan Junqi didn't move. Lu Xu called him again, and Yan Junqi slowly stood up.

Lu Xu ran to the door of Yan's house and waited longer than usual for Yan Junqi to open the door.

Lu Xu closed the door, holding a red cloth bag behind his back with one hand, and put his hand on Yan Junqi's shoulder as he walked to the study. As soon as he entered the door, he gave the bag to Yan Junqi, "Look at the red envelope I made by myself, it looks like that!"

Yan Junqi opened it and found a heavy amount of thirty taels of silver inside.

Lu Xux had just bought a shop, making both iron and copper pots. I don't know where he got another thirty taels of silver in just one day.

Yan Junqi looked up at him and shook his head, "I don't want it."

Lu Xu: "Take it and return it to me when you pass the exam."

Yan Junqi: "It's useless. The newly admitted students will not be able to take the provincial examination next year. Even if I paid the money this year, what about next year? Should I borrow money from you again?"

Lu Xu smiled and said, "Okay."

Yan Junqi: "What if I never pass the exam?"

Lu Xu: "How could it be!"

Yan Junqi: "Why not? I think I answered the question very well and will definitely pass the exam..."

Lu Xu: "You passed the exam."

Yan Junqi: "But make up for it."

Lu Xu: "I passed the supplementary examination."

The two of them spoke faster unconsciously and choked.

Lu Xu lowered his head, stared at the top of Yan Junqi's head, and lowered his voice, "There are five people who passed the Guanyang exam, and four of them were supplementary admissions. Apart from you, the youngest is over 20 years old. Junqi, you are only ten years old." At five years old, you are the youngest among all the candidates. I think you are like a genius."

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