Chapter 175 is all over!

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After such a fuss, the two sides became wary of each other and became more at ease.

Zhang Chang can no longer be his local bully like he used to be, conquering and robbing whenever he wants, let alone causing trouble and looking for help.

He Chengye had told him in private that His Majesty's intention was that if the court received another book about him, Zhang Chang would pack up his things and leave as soon as possible.

Several people in Qinglong City couldn't attack hard, so they only dared to secretly watch Zhang Chang make mistakes.

In order not to confirm the facts, He Chengye also persuaded Zhang Chang to move Zhang Pian and the wounded soldiers he raised out of the barracks——

This matter, at best, is called emphasizing love and righteousness. At worst, it's called buying people's hearts.

Even the general Fan Xiao was troubled by the wounded soldiers. He often had fights with the Ministry of Household Affairs and suffered many injuries.

Fan Xiao had a special experience. He was first an uncle and then a general. He was deeply trusted by His Majesty. He was thick-skinned and not afraid of ginseng, but he was still very anxious. Where was Zhang Chang?

The elders in his family have passed away, and the relatives in Beijing still count on the military achievements of the two brothers, but now they are walking on thin ice again.

The theory is easy to understand, but the practice is difficult.

Zhang Pian took the wounded soldiers and left the camp on his own initiative. Zhang Chang smashed things angrily.

Qinglong City is stable, but the life of the Xiaoqi Army is becoming more and more difficult.

Li Xiu envied the two brothers for occupying Qinglong City and having no worries about eating and drinking. How could they not envy Li Xiu for being able to enjoy everything in the north.

However, it was difficult to tell Lu Xu about this. The grain officer only vaguely mentioned that "Qinglong City is not as free as the Northern Territory" and that the Knights Cavalry Army's military regulations are strict and so on.

Lu Xu didn't know what was going on. He just thought it was the Qingqiu Army collecting protection money all over Qinglong City, which finally pissed off the local officials, who were rolling up their sleeves and scratching their pigtails.

Since it was difficult for the Xiaoqijun to lend him animals, Lu Xu could only think of other ways.

He thought for a while and asked: "You can't leave Shuozhou... Then can you go to Dengzhou? Dengzhou County also belongs to Shuozhou. I will organize people to send grain from Longxing to Shuozhou. You only need to bring your animals. Just pick it up in Dengzhou."

Their eyes lit up.

Speaking of the past, I really couldn’t.

How can the garrison run around?

But right now, isn’t it because the Ministry of Revenue doesn’t approve the money and allows them to be self-sufficient in suppressing bandits in Manshuozhou?

As long as they don't leave Shuozhou, who cares whether they go to suppress bandits or hunt?

Seeing the drama, Lu Xu also became happy.

When he organized people in Guanyang to go to the north and Shuozhou, there would definitely not be many people willing. If he only went to Chongning, many people would be interested.

Even if he couldn't recruit enough people in Guanyang, he could hire porters from Chongning and Wenqiu, who would have to pass by anyway.

Transport the grain first, then the goods. If there are more people transporting grain, won’t business roads be developed?

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