Chapter 192 Sweet

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Ten days after leaving Jialin City, we were about to reach Linghu Beach where we could cross the river. Dark clouds gathered and it began to rain.

The ground on Cai Gan became muddy again, but they reached a section where it was difficult for vehicles and horses to travel. Everyone had to get out of the car and walk on foot.

"Can I rest somewhere?" the person walking in front asked.

Guide: "This place is close to the mountains and the river. It is not safe. If we walk further for half a day, there is a small village where we can stay."

Everyone had to keep walking.

Not to mention that there may be flash floods when it rains. Even if you are passing through such a place on a sunny day, you must be careful of falling rocks and walk as fast as you can.

It was getting later and later, and they were dragged slower and slower by the rain.

After days of trekking, these scholars have long been exhausted. They rely solely on their will to hold on, and their walking speed is getting slower and slower.

Seeing that the front was blocked again, Lu Xu sighed helplessly.

Turning around, Lu Zhou was so sleepy that he dozed off, and Yan Junqi was also very lack of energy.

Lu Xu patted Lu Zhou and said, "Go and sit in the car."

Lu Zhou stared in confusion, "I can't pull it."

Lu Xu: "Walking so slowly, if you can pull me, go ahead."

Lu Zhou said "Hmm" and climbed into the driving position with half-squinted eyes to rest for a while.

Lu Xu: "Don't fall down."

Lu Zhou steeled himself and grabbed the reins.

Lu Xux smiled and asked Yan Junqi: "Are you going to take a break?"

Yan Junqi shook his head.

The mule was tired after pulling the cart for such a long distance on the muddy ground. It was okay to ride with Lu Zhou, but if there was one more person like him, he was worried that the mule would get tired and sick.

"I can still hold on."

Lu Xu: "Come on, let me carry you."

Yan Junqi laughed.

He was reluctant to let a mule carry him, so how could he be willing to let Lu Xu carry him.

"You can walk."

Lu Xu walked around to Yan Junqi's side, holding the mule with his right hand and grabbing Yan Junqi's hand with his left hand. "Then I will hold your hand."

"Yeah." Yan Junqi leaned next to Lu Xu. Lu Xu's palms were still dry and warm despite the rain.

They walked forward slowly. Lu Xu muttered to Yan Junqi, "We're almost there" while looking back at Lu Zhou. If Lu Zhou was about to fall, call him.

Yan Junqi was so sleepy that his ears were filled with the endless loop of Lu Xu chanting sutras, "Lu Zhou", "Zhou Zhou", "Almost there"...

After walking for nearly an hour, they finally arrived at the small village the guide mentioned.

As soon as the scholar who was walking in the front heard this, he immediately lost all his strength and fell to his knees. His book boy and the coachman helped him up.

The scholar was so tired that he was trembling all over.

It was already the middle of the night, and the guide hurriedly knocked on the door. The small village thought that robbers had come in the middle of the night, and it panicked for a while.

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