Chapter 196 Insights

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Yan Junqi woke up late in the morning without any surprise. Lu Xu was in high spirits and got up early.

When he got up, he first checked whether Yan Junqi was feeling unwell. Hearing that Yan Junqi's voice was a little hoarse, he gave Yan Junqi warm water to moisten his throat.

He wanted to see if Yan Junqi was injured, but Yan Junqi obviously didn't want him to lift the quilt.

If you don't want to look at it, don't look at it. It's cold in the morning, and he's afraid that Yan Junqi will freeze if he lifts the quilt suddenly.

"Then you sleep a little longer and I'll heat the house up a little. When you get up..."


Yan Junqi didn't let him continue.

Lu Xu scratched his head, went to the woodshed to get firewood, added more to the stoves in the two rooms, then added more to the stove in the house, and pulled the stove closer to the bed.

He washed his hands, poured half a cup of warm water for Yan Junqi and put it on the bedside. He leaned over and kissed Yan Junqi, "I'm going to buy groceries. You can get up when I come back."


Lu Xu rubbed his head, left gently, and closed the door.

Lu Xu carried the vegetable basket and went out, recalling whether Yan Junqi had been injured in any way last night.


If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have cared about the shamelessness and asked someone to borrow my erotica at home.

He and Yuan Manniang took it for granted, thinking that there would be no shortage of this stuff. But when they went out, they discovered that there was no place to sell it!

No serious bookstore would sell this! !

He, a passerby, wouldn’t know where to look for such an inappropriate place!

Lu Xu was blinded all the way and regretted it so much. If he had known better, he would have asked someone at home.

After a battle between heaven and man, he still carried the basket and went to Nancheng.

When he asked Fang Yazi about the layout of the capital earlier, he probably also heard about several famous Fengyue districts in the capital. Fang Yazi also recommended to him two places that scholars love to go to.

Lu Xu thought that Fengyue District also needed food, clothing, and medical treatment, so he went to find a medical center over there and ask.

He also deliberately went to a distant place and walked for a long time. He found a medical clinic that looked good and old and went in to inquire.

The doctor is worthy of being neighbors with Fengyue for a long time. Before Lu Xu could finish his words, the doctor was already familiar with the matter and started to educate him about it. He even praised him for being a good person and not hiding his illness.

Lu Xu: "..."

It is not certain whether there is a disease or not!

The doctor calmly prescribed the medicine, and Lu Xu quickly said: "Wait a minute, wait a minute, what about that, my sweetheart is a man, is the medicine... universal?"

The doctor was stunned for a moment, then calmly said: "I will correct it for you."

After taking the medicine, Lu Xu paid the money and asked, "Doctor, do you know where I can buy erotic pictures?"

The doctor became even more stunned, "You can't."

Lu Xu blushed.

The doctor did not laugh at him, but said calmly: "Don't buy any erotica, buy this."

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