Chapter 28 Can Talk

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After a night of tossing and turning, Lu Zhou deeply reflected that he was not as big-hearted as his elder brother. Although Lu Wen was annoying, he was his cousin after all. He should be saved if he could.

So, the next day, Lu Zhou and Lu Wen, two cousins ​​who had not been able to play together since they were young, met again in the wheat field. One was guilty, the other was sympathetic, each had a subtle mood, and miraculously the same thing came into being. Thoughts: I will be nicer to him in the future.

When Lu Xu finished cutting a crop of wheat and drank water, he saw Lu Zhou teaching Lu Wen the technical skills of cutting wheat. Lu Wen and Lu Zhou discussed how to plan the route with the least effort when they work together. The two of them did not distinguish between you and me today. One from the left and one from the right, they merged into the middle and worked together to bind the wheat. With their joint efforts, there was no longer the situation like yesterday where the wheat fell apart when the binding was not tight enough.

Lu Wen was still tired, but he persisted until the end of the night and no one stopped to slack off.

However, when he returned home, he refused to walk. He leaned on the cart and let Lu Hui push him. He kept calling Lu Zhou a stubborn donkey who refused to listen to advice and never rested. He would never keep Lu Zhou's company again.

Xia Shou was very busy, the three families worked together to collect the fields of grandparents first, Lu Xuan went back to help the fourth uncle, Lu Xu took Lu Zhou to help the third uncle, the grandfather ran at both ends with a sickle on his back, today here, tomorrow there, children and grandchildren No matter how much I tried to persuade them, he still kept silent and went his own way until he helped them finish harvesting their fields.

After working hard for seven or eight days, I finally finished harvesting the good fields, leaving only five acres of uncultivated land from my third uncle's family. The weather was good, and there was only a light rain during the period, which made everyone's hearts calm down again.

The whole village began to dry and thresh wheat. Li Zheng led people from house to house to count the harvest and repair carts. They were just waiting for the tax collector to come down so that he could organize people to pay the field tax in the town.

After harvesting the wheat, the hardest work was over, and the villagers breathed a sigh of relief. Every family went to the market, bought meat, killed chickens, and slaughtered ducks. They could buy fresh meat without going out of the village for two days.

The butchers in their village no longer have to walk all over the town and through the streets. If anyone in the village wants to kill a pig, he will send the pig to his house the night before. The next day, he will boil water to kill it before dawn, and sell it early in the morning when the weather is cool. You have to get up early and line up at his house to get the bargains. The pork hearts, livers, and pig blood don’t cost much, and they are all delicious when you buy them back and put them away. If you are willing to eat, buy pork belly. The cheaper ones include lean meat and bones.

The Lu family lived not far from the butcher's house. For several days in a row, he was awakened by the screams of pigs. Lu Xu opened his eyes and saw that it was not even bright outside. He was too tired to move and collapsed on his chest. Staying in bed and being lazy, Lu Zhou would get up when he woke up, rub his eyes and get up to feed the chickens and pigs, sweep and tidy up, go to the stream to fetch water, go outside to cut the grass, and then come back to wake Lu Xu up at dawn. His eldest brother had already plugged his ears and slept for a long time.

Lu Zhou shook him and asked Lu Xu whether he wanted to eat steamed buns or steamed buns in the morning.

They are close to the third grandmother's steamed stuffed bun shop, and they can buy what they want to eat, and they can eat new ones every day.

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