Chapter 78 Business is booming

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One morning passed, the soy milk was gone, and the tofu curd was sold out. The breakfast crowd dispersed. Lu Wen, Lu Yong, and Lu Junxin packed up the dishes and pushed the cart to the well to wash the dishes.

The third aunt and the others were busy for a while, and started washing vegetables, making pancakes, and stewing rice.

Lu Xu said that they would be busy for a while at noon. They thought that now that they had a shop, they would have to sell all afternoon.

We ran out of noodles for fried dough sticks, and the third aunt couldn't wait any longer, so she started chopping vegetables, mixing stuffing, and making dumplings.

Judging from the situation in the morning, there will be no shortage of people at noon.

Near noon, Tan Shitou led people to help. They collected some vegetables and eggs and sent half to Lu Xu.

With a helper, Lu Xu felt much more relaxed. He handed the Malatang stall back to Lu Yong and made a large pot of seaweed and egg drop soup. Then, start preparing egg fried rice.

At noon, the owner of the wine shop came with someone, carrying wine and a big plaque: Lu Ji Restaurant.

On the side, there is a column of small characters standing vertically: Guanyang Alliance.

Lu Xu himself had forgotten that the wine shop owner once said that if he opened a shop, he would give him a plaque.

The shopkeeper smiled and said: "Business is booming! Am I late?"

Lu Xu hurriedly greeted him, "It's not too late, just in time! What a big plaque!"

The shopkeeper said cheerfully: "Your shop is not next to the street. It is bigger and can only be seen by others passing by the street."

While they were talking, Luo Shen came with a group of officials with a straight face.

Those who bought pancakes and those who ate were all startled, wondering why the official officer was here?

Then Lu Xule said, "Brother Luo, are you here to support me?"

The officials following Luo Shen all suppressed their laughter. Only Luo Shen still had the coffin expression and his tone was emotionless, "Eat."

Lu Xu's enthusiasm remained the same, "Okay, please come in, everyone."

He welcomed Luo Shen and the rest of the restaurant and the shopkeeper into the store. The small store was immediately occupied. Lu Xu said, "I'm about to make fried rice. There are also dumplings, rice bowls, noodles with soybean paste, and diced eggplant noodles. What's inside?" It’s spicy hotpot and pancakes, what do you want to eat?”

Apart from dumplings and noodles, no one else had heard of anything he mentioned. He was as conservative as Luo Shen, so he ordered a bowl of noodles first. The officer sitting next to him asked in a low voice, "Boss, what are fried noodles?"

Luo Shen: "How do I know?"

The officer looked inside and sniffed. As soon as they entered East Street, they smelled the smell. It was fragrant and spicy. When he was patrolling in the morning, he saw many people coming here to eat. I heard that a bunch of dishes cost a penny, so he I couldn't help but said: "Boss, I want to go inside and eat spicy hotpot!"

Luo Shen: "Did I drag your leg?"

The official made a noise, stood up and waved to his companions, and a few of the hot and fresh ones ran inside.

Someone else asked, “What is fried rice?”

Lu Xu came over and said, "Egg fried rice, guaranteed to be delicious!"

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