Chapter 21

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The next morning, there was a new basket on Lu Xu's car. It was divided into three layers using cages, containing one layer of rice dumplings and two layers of fried dough sticks. The quantity is not large, Lu Xu plans to use it for publicity. The main thing on the bus is fried snails. Unexpectedly, as soon as he entered the morning market after paying the money, he found that the place he usually occupied was occupied by someone else, and what they were selling turned out to be snails!

The other party packed it in a big wooden bucket with a small bowl in it. The man looked like a hemp pole. He stood aside with his arms crossed and a piece of grass in his mouth. He looked quite upright and looked at Lu Xu proudly.

"Boiled snails, five cents a bowl!"

Lu Xu: "..."

Okay, someone will learn it so quickly.

Lu Xu wasn't too surprised. Fried snails was not a high-end skill. Others could learn it and cook it even if they didn't know how to fry it. At most, the taste would be inferior. He had no intention of monopolizing the market by frying snails. Just learn.

The fruit stall nearby looked at Lu Xu sympathetically.

Lu Xu was not annoyed. He said hello to an acquaintance and found an empty seat a little further away to put down the car.

The stalls in the morning market were on a first-come, first-served basis, so he came late and had nothing to say.

Lu Xu's business was greatly hampered this morning. Regular customers rushed to find him. They were confused when they saw that the seller of snails had changed. Before they could react, the boy started shouting: "Boiled snails, five cents a bowl!"

Many people are attracted by the low price before they understand what's going on.

Some saw Lu Xu, but after comparing the prices, he was ten cents and the other party was five cents, so most of them chose the cheaper one.

Lu Xu was frustrated. But the market will always be dominated by low-pricers.

The regular customer who was the first to buy his snails led his boy to the morning market. When he saw Lu Xu, he asked him: "This guy has five cents, why don't you lower the price?"

Lu Xu: "Good morning, Second Master, my approach is different, it's cheaper and I will lose money."

Ma Gan over there deliberately tried to cause trouble with him, "Why are you losing money? He used to sell it in town for only five cents a bowl!"

Second Master Sun looked left and right.

Lu Xu felt something was wrong.

It's normal to be jealous of him selling snails and want to learn how to sell them. He even encouraged his third grandma to steam buns and go to the town to compete with others, but the other party even found out how he sells snails in the town. This is looking for trouble.

At the East Street Gambling House, Song Liu won money and happily scattered the change and asked his gangsters to buy him wine. He then cooked the snails and started drinking.

The twelfth daughter-in-law is good at cooking, and her cooked snails taste good, with a full sauce flavor.

To say that Twelve is still smart, he didn't beat Lu Xu that day. When he came back from Ma's house with his people, he saw gamblers eating snails as soon as he entered the gambling house. Song Liu hit him on the forehead in one breath.

This is a gambling house, not a restaurant. It smells like snails all day long!

They just wanted to eat, and they asked the guy from their gambling house to run errands to buy it. Song Liu was so angry that he almost flipped the table. Holding his breath, he went to the boat gang to meet his brother for a drink. Twelve had just returned from fishing. When he heard what he said, he gave him an idea: "Brother Six, he can sell snails. We can also sell snails. He sells them for ten Wen, let’s sell it for five Wen so that he can’t sell it, isn’t it?”

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