Chapter 12 Mulberries

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Lu Xu picked one up and put it in his mouth. It was sour and sweet!

Wild mulberries are small, the largest ones are no longer than the length of the little finger. Some of them fall off before they turn purple. They taste more sour than the ones he bought before, but they are better than nothing. No one specializes in cultivating mulberries in this era.

Lu Xu put down the basket and picked up all the mulberries on the ground first. There was grass under the tree and no one was passing by. No one stepped on it and no cars ran over it. Many of the newly fallen mulberries were still alive. He pulled a few large reed leaves from the bottom of the basket, made them into small pockets, put the mulberries in and arranged them in the basket.

Not wanting those that had been eaten by insects or pecked by birds, Lu Xu picked through them and picked up two large handfuls.

He looked up at the mulberry trees on the mountain, tried his hand at the rock wall, and relied on the rock climbing skills he had learned before to find a rock climbing point and climb up.

Wild mountains are much more difficult to climb than rock climbing gyms, but the grass roots in the cracks in the rocks are strong and can help him cheat. Lu Xu slowly climbed up the tree.

The two trees were not big, their trunks were no thicker than an arm, but they were quite tall. Lu Xu stood steady holding the branches with his left hand, picked the purple and black ones with his right hand, and threw them into his cuffs.

I picked everything I could, but if I couldn't reach it, I had to leave it to the birds.

As for the newly red and white ones, let them continue to grow, and he will come back to pick them up another day.

Lu Xu clenched his cuffs and jumped down from the tree, then loosened his cuffs and poured it into the basket. Unknowingly, he picked a lot!

Lu Xu weighed it and said, "I picked up two pounds of mulberries for nothing, and I made a profit!"

He saved fifteen cents on the boat fare, forty cents on one pound of mulberries, and eighty cents on two catties of mulberries. How could he pick up more than two catties, rounding off and earning a hundred cents in vain!

Lu Xu was having fun. He was no longer tired. He pulled a piece of grass from the roadside and dangled it in his hand. He jumped and trotted along while walking.


Besides, at home, Yuan Manniang sent Lu Xu out, and in December she was clamoring to go to the river to see her brother.

It took Lu Xu half an hour to reach the town, and he still had to wait for the boat to get on the boat. How could the boat pass by Lujia Village so quickly? But having said that, Yuan Manniang still packed some clothes and took La Yue to the river to wash clothes.

Lu Zhou also wants to go, but the relationship between the eldest brother and his sister has finally improved. He, he should look after the house!

Lu Zhou washed the pots and dishes, cleaned the kitchen and yard, and started chopping firewood.

He was young and weak, so he couldn't split the thick tree trunks, so he could only fold and pile up the branches that had not been picked up yet. There was not much dry firewood left and he had to pick it up. Just as he was thinking about it, Lu Zhou heard that Lu Rui had woken up and skillfully helped Lu Rui urinate, wash his face, and feed him.

But Lu Rui was not very interested in the clear rice porridge. He turned his head, avoided the spoon, and lay on Lu Zhou's shoulder without eating.

Lu Zhou saw that he really didn't want to eat, so he took him to the chicken pen to collect eggs.

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