Chapter 194 Brothers

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When disembarking, the shipowner sent someone to ask the distinguished guests whether they wanted to disembark first or last.

Except for the merchants who want to transport goods, everyone else chooses to leave first.

The boatmen helped Lu Xu unload the cart and mules from the ship, and helped them hitch the cart on the shore.

When Lu Zhou got off the boat, he always felt like someone was standing on the deck staring at them.

He looked back and saw that there were indeed a few familiar faces, including the scholar named Li.

Seeing Lu Zhou looking towards the boat, Lu Xu smiled and said, "What would you do if you were Li Juren?"

Lu Zhou was startled and thought for a moment: "Make money first and then take the exam."

Lu Xu was very satisfied, "That's right! You've all passed the imperial examination, and Daqi doesn't stipulate that you have to go to Beijing immediately if you succeed in the examination. Isn't it just a matter of waiting two more years?"

Daqi will try out once every two years, which is quite frequent. Even if he can't wait for two years, Lu Xu feels that this temperament will not make a big difference.

Lu Xu asked Lu Zhou again: "What if you were that Zhang Juren?"

At this moment, Lu Zhou thought about himself a little. He also fell ill on the road. If he didn't pay attention, he might become like Zhang Shusheng, who had a high fever and fell into coma without even knowing that the money was lost.

Lu Zhou: "Since it wasn't Li Juren who stole the money, we shouldn't have allowed the book boy to quarrel with others."

Lu Xu spread his hands and said to Yan Junqi: "Look, we Lu Zhou all know it."

Lu Zhou smiled sheepishly, thinking, if his brother were that Scholar Li, he would most likely not know how to read, but chose to let the whole family eat and drink first. If he were that Scholar Li, he might still be able to read, but before reading In the future, I might do something else to make a living.

For example, writing Spring Festival couplets, writing fans, writing tributes to other people's homes, writing letters, or helping other shops keep accounts, etc.

These can both practice calligraphy and make money.

He can also do other things, such as raising chickens and feeding pigs, which is not difficult. In addition, he can make money by washing clothes, or helping people plow the land, doing part-time work...

In the past, brother Junqi would also help his father cut reeds and weave mats. Now every summer and autumn harvest, if the brothers are not busy, they will go home to help harvest wheat and rice...

These are all things his brother taught him personally.

The husband said that reading is not just about reading, he understands, so he has been following in the footsteps of his elder brother and Brother Junqi, and often feels that he may not be able to catch up in his lifetime.

Lu Zhou thought that it was great to be able to come out with his brother this time. After coming out, he realized that there are so many different kinds of people in the world. Not only geniuses can pass the examination, and not everyone who passes the examination is like Brother Jun Qi.

Some of them are young and some are very old.

Some people are noble, some are philistines, some are impatient, some are steady, some always want to make peace with others when trouble comes, some know a lot, some know very little...

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