Chapter 92 Returning

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The birthday cake in the twelfth lunar month was so big that the whole family could only eat less than a third of it.

Lu Xu asked La Yue what she wanted to do with the rest. La Yue thought for a while and began to count her relatives, friends and friends.

So, La Yue and Lu Xu cut the cakes, and the whole family helped, helping them pack the cut cakes one by one. Lu Xu carried a three-layer basket and led La Yue through the snow to distribute gifts to various houses.

Third uncle's family, fourth uncle's family, grandparents, Yan Junqi's family, no one can be missing, and then there are Shuixiu and other friends who play well with her, and a few friends who study together in the grocery store.

From the west end to the east end, the children of Twelve Moon make friends all over the village. Their relationship is not particularly good. Children who do not get cakes will give each other two candies whenever they meet Twelve Moon - the best and most expensive ones sold in her grandfather's shop. Fruity colored candies.

Lu Xu asked her: "You have divided the candy, do you still have to eat it?"

La Yue patted her purse and said, "I have money!"

My brother just gave her a big bag.

Lu Xu finally saw that she was a little girl who couldn't save money.

In the afternoon, all the children in the village knew that it was the birthday of the twelfth lunar month. They all braved the snow to celebrate the birthday of the twelfth lunar month. Some brought an egg, some a small handkerchief, and some a small toy. In the afternoon, the children received a Basket gifts.

A group of children were chatting, playing hopscotch, and skiing at Lu's house. Lu Xu found a wooden board, drilled holes and tied ropes, used it as a snowmobile for them to play with, and taught them to build a snowman outside the door.

In the evening, their family had longevity noodles. Lu Xu started making them early and asked them all to stay for dinner.

A big pot of noodles, a big pot of meat sauce toppings, a big pot of millet and pumpkin porridge, sizzling tofu suitable for snacks, small crispy pork, small portions and large sizes. A group of children finished the two pots of noodles, and dried up all the vegetables and porridge. Their bellies were round, they licked their mouths, and they asked La Yue unfinished, "La Yue, are you still celebrating your birthday tomorrow?"

Twelfth Moon said regretfully: "I won't be able to celebrate my birthday until next year."

Lu Xu didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and sent the little carrots home one by one.

Lu Xu was busy cooking the day before and didn't pay much attention. The next day when he went out to clear the snow, he found that the snowman at the door looked quite like that.

Leaves and stones were used as eyes and mouth, branches were used as hands and feet, and some children used dead willow branches to make long hair for the snowman.

Lu Xu made some comments and asked La Yue and Lu Zhou to come over and repair the crooked snowman. They were chattering and provoked the children of the third grandmother's family and Wen Zhen. La Yue pulled out the ski car and let Wen Zhen pull it. Lu Rui plays.

Lu Xu was having a snowball fight with a few older children. Yuan Maniang looked out from time to time while sweeping the yard. When she heard them shouting and laughing outside, she couldn't help but stand at the door to watch them play. When she saw it, Yan Junqi Watching it too.

Lu Rui had the most fun. He was small and small. He could hit people with snowballs, and at most he could throw them on their butts. It didn’t hurt or hurt him. No one cared about him. They were all busy chasing others. He was right there in the crowd. Running here, running there, he is in the playground for the older children, and he is also there for the half-grown children. No one is busier than him. He is so happy that he is picking up snowballs all over the field, and the whole village can hear him. He laughed.

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