Chapter 97 Regret

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After passing Yinma Town and heading eastward, the next town is Nanqiao Town.

Nanqiao Town is older and has a longer history. There are nine villages of different sizes nearby, which is twice as big as Yinma Town.

The town is lively at the moment, and people are everywhere coming to shop with their families. It is customary to watch the Yangtze River on the 26th day of the year. On the 26th day of the year, filial daughters and sons-in-law go back to their parents’ homes and give New Year gifts. They all buy meat, sugar, and wine on this day. Go back to your parents’ home.

Early in the morning, the streets were bustling with people buying New Year gifts and returning to their parents' homes.

Lu Qing had not experienced such peaceful excitement in many years. He was walking empty-handed on the street and was out of tune with his surroundings. He didn't know how to integrate into such an atmosphere.

After a while, a child running around bumped into his leg.

He lowered his head, and the child looked up at him timidly, a little scared.

The child's father and mother hurriedly ran from the side carrying large and small bags, "You little brat! I told you not to run around when there are many people, but you just don't listen!"

The child's mother caught him, with an anxious look on her face, and slapped him on the butt first, and then she and the child's father thanked Lu Qing sincerely.

Lu Qing bent down and picked up the bamboo dragonfly on the ground and handed it to the child, "Are you from Nanqiao Town?"


"I would like to ask where is the porcelain shop in town?"


"I want to buy an ornament."

"Oh, then you should go to Wu Ji. Walk north along the street, turn right after the second alley, and you will see it." The child's father gave Lu Qing directions.

"Thank you."

Lu Qing walked slowly, crossed the main street, passed the alley, and saw the old signboard that had been hanging for many years - Porcelain Wu from a distance.

He didn't go in, but ordered a bowl of plain noodles from the restaurant opposite. While waiting, he looked into the porcelain shop.

There were a few customers in the store, two clerks were showing people the decorations, and two women in their thirties were chatting with a female customer on the other side. They seemed to have returned to their mother's house today. Behind the counter, an old man wiped a large plate about two feet wide with a handkerchief.

"Your face."


"You want to buy ornaments?"

"Let me take a look. I heard that Wu Ji's decorations are good."

"That's an old shop. We have Wu Ji in Nanqiao. If you want to see a better one, you have to go to the county seat."

"You still care about introducing customers?"

The noodle shop boy smiled and said, "We are all old neighbors."

"It sounds like Wu Ji is very popular."

"When I hear that you are an outsider, we are from all over the country. Who doesn't know that Mr. Wu is charitable?" He looked around and whispered in Lu Qing's ear: "When Mr. Wu was young, he couldn't have children. Later, he had a child. The master taught him to do more good deeds, and within two years, he was born! Look, now, he has five daughters and one son, all of whom are filial and capable. If you ask me, people still have to do good deeds."

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